Oct 5, 2018

Article #4 in a Series >>>>> Considerations in Voting For or Against the Proposed MPS Referendum Requests >>>>> Frequently Asked Questions

Please evaluate these questions and answers as posted at the

referendum portal on the Minneapolis Public Schools website,

as relevant to the 6 November 2018 referendum:


Frequently Asked Questions


Why didn’t you just ask for more money in 2016?



In 2016, MPS had a structurally unbalanced budget that was

producing on-going deficits and we did not feel we could responsibly

ask voters for additional money. Since that time, the district has

started cost-saving measures and made structural changes so that

our 2018-2019 budget is structurally balanced with a solid financial

footing and a vision of how we would like to move our district forward.

We believe we are in a place to ask voters to consider an investment

in Minneapolis Public Schools. 


Why are there two questions?


One question will ask voters to increase the funding mechanism known

as the “operating referendum,” which voters renewed in 2016. The

operating referendum, something nearly every Minnesota school district

relies on, provides operating funding and is authorized on a per-student



The other question is a “capital project levy referendum” better known

as a “tech levy” and would provide funding for the district’s technology-

related expenses. Capital project levies are authorized as a percentage

of the property tax base, set to raise a predetermined amount of funding.


What is a tech levy?


Nearly two dozen metro school districts receive funding from technology

levies (tech levies), property taxes designated for all sorts of technology-

related expenses like IT staff salaries, computers, classroom tech equipment,

wireless internet routers, online learning subscription fees, etc.


MPS does not have a tech levy in place so most of these expenditures are

currently paid for with general funds. A proposed question on the November

2018 ballot would create a tech levy in Minneapolis designed to provide new

funding for existing and planned technology expenses, allowing already limited

general funds to otherwise be directed towards other uses.


No new technology-based initiatives are being proposed. The tech levy, if

approved, would make additional general operating funds available for other

uses by shifting existing technology expenses, including required maintenance,

upgrades, and replacement cycles, to a new revenue source.


Why does MPS still have a deficit?


The reasons are complex. Broadly, education funding from the state and federal

governments hasn't kept up with inflation over the past decade. Nor do the state

and federal governments fully fund the true cost of providing the services our

Special Education and English Language Learner students deserve. MPS is also

mandated to reimburse charter schools for transportation costs for some students.

Put together, these factors add millions of dollars to MPS' cost of doing business

every year.

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