Jan 31, 2022

Article #16 >>>>> Origin and Consequences of Wretched Public Education Throughout the United States

The Unhealthy and Cosmetized American

Health education should be a part of the preK-12 curriculum, sequenced grade by grade for focus on particular issues pertinent to developmental stages of childhood, adolescence, and prospective adulthood.

But health as a subject area of focus is weakly represented at preK through grade 5 and abominably taught at grades 6-8 and 9-12.  Many health education teachers are overweight and not given to healthy dietary habits or exercise regimens.   

Thus do Americans go forth as adults ill-educated as to matters of health, with many never acquiring or acting upon information on healthful living beyond the school years: 

Thirty-six and five-tenths percent (36.5%) of Americans are obese;  another 32.5% are overweight, for a total of 69% carrying excess body weight.  

Americans consume on average three pounds (3 lbs.) of refined sugar per week.  Seventy percent (70%) of the American diet is derived from processed foods;  fifty-five percent (55%) of calorie consumption comes from processed foods.  Fifty percent (50%) of calories in the American diet are consumed in the form of pizza, burgers, fries, chips, candy, and soda pop.  Less than one- third (33%) of calories are derived from the healthiest foods:  vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Fewer than 25% of Americans get at least twenty minutes of aerobic exercise per day.  As a result of unhealthy diets, lack of exercise, sedentary habits, and prolonged temporal spans sitting in ergonomically deleterious positions and chairs, at least 33% of adult women and 25% of adult males have lower back pain.  Approximately 25% of adults have had treatments for back pain in the last year.  Gastrointestinal problems plague the American population;  approximately 16% of all adults and 33% of those over sixty years of age experience chronic constipation.


Given the lack of good health habits and the discipline necessary to maintain proper physiological functioning, the propensity of Americans to seek artificial means of attaining popular goals pertinent to physical appearance is striking.

The United States leads the world in cosmetic surgery at 1,309 per 100,000 population.  Ninety-two percent (92%) of cosmetic surgeries are peformed on women.  Approximately 14 million women and one million men in the United States have cosmetic surgery per year.  Among women, 310,000 per year seek breast enlargement, 258,558 have liposuction, and 213,780 have their noses reshaped.

The cosmetics industry in the United States generates $511 billion annually.  The high fashion industry generates $759 billion per year.  Every year, women purchase $36,741,000,000 worth of high heels. Men buy $3,000,000,000 worth of neckties.

Thus do women with garishly painted faces go forth on little stilts that are the contemporary form of footbinding, while men even in hot climates hang nooses around buttoned up collars as they scramble into air conditioned buildings in artificially and excessively populated areas of the nation.


And thus do people go forth from our wretched public schools ill-prepared to live as culturally enriched, civically prepared, and professionally satisfied citizens, retreating into lives of poor health, pitiful cosmetization, and irrational attire, living according to the insidious standards of a society that only dimly perceives the forces that induce the behavior of a populace controlled as marionettes by a hidden puppeteer.

Jan 26, 2022

Article #15 >>>>> Origin and Consequences of Wretched Public Education Throughout the United States

Suicide and Drug Addiction as Consequences of Lives Devoid of Knowledge, Purpose, and Appreciation for the Magnificence of Nature and Human Potential

In the course of 14 years of pre-kindergarten through grade 12 education, students should be prepared to live lives of cultural enrichment, civic participation, and professional satisfaction  >>>>>

Graduates should have knowledge and appreciation for the music and art of many genres and cultures. 

They should have a firm understanding of the objective facts and major trends in world and American history.  

Graduates should have read and gained firm comprehension of the United States Constitution and the political and governmental systems of the nation.  

They should be able to locate all of the world's nations on the globe and to have a firm grasp of the geographical features of the United States and the world's nations and cultures.

Graduates should be deeply read in classical English, world, and ethnic-specific literature.  

They should have grasp of the fundamentals of biology, chemistry, and physics;  the human body and health;  the formation of the universe and planet earth;  the evolution of earthly life;  and the natural world.

Graduates should have fundamental skills in the vocational and technological arts;  they should have a vision of their professional possibilities and an understanding of those technological forces that exert powerful influences on their lives.  

And graduates should have considered world belief systems and vigorously discussed the ethics that should drive human behavior and provide meaning and purpose.


But high school graduates have neither depth and breadth of knowledge nor any energetically considered or discussed ethical principles.  Those who go on to college or university matriculation in undergraduate or graduate programs gain field-specific knowledge but little breadth.  

Most Americans are woefully ignorant and ethically bereft;  they are adrift in personal universes of delusion and illusion, desperately seeking answers pertinent to meaning and purpose, given to all manner of false information.


Thus does the bulk of humanity live aimlessly.

Many act with elevated stupidity.

Many are given to extreme forms of destructive behavior.

In the United States, over 45,000 people commit suicide each year.  Drug overdoses number more than 95,000.  Over 95,000 alcohol-related deaths occur annually.  Drunk driving accounts for 28% of all auto-related deaths.  More than 25% of the adult population engages in at least one episode of binge drinking per month.


Thus do an ignorant and morally vacuous people, devoid of knowledge and purpose, live out their one earthly sojourn never comprehending the elevated morality and exquisite beauty that should characterize the gift of Existence.

Jan 17, 2022

Article #14 >>>>> Origin and Consequences of Wretched Public EducationThroughout the United States

 The Degradation of Life in Year 2022

The typical person in the United States lives a degraded existence.

That person has no understanding of why she or he does what the individual does, having no grasp of the bio-environmental determinants of human behavior.  

Human behavior proceeds on the basis of biological imperatives studied and presented with clarity by Edmund O. Wilson and environmental determinants seminally examined and explained by B. F. Skinner.  

With a proper understanding that behavior is determined rather than willed freely, inhabitants of the globe could gain comprehension of those forces that impel and compel people to do what they do.  There is no reality in the perception of free will, but people do have the native intelligence to study the bio-environmental determinants of behavior so as to establish those institutions and to design those environments conducive to favorable outcomes for humanity.

But in the absence of knowledge of psychological reality, people are susceptible to false claims, superstition, and sereptitious messages.  People cling to facile notions of free will while in fact being controlled from the moment of birth by their circumstances of genetic inheritance, family, community, and parameters of life that compel their actions.  Perceiving that they make choices, people are driven from one life stage to another by multiple forces pertinent to highly particular personal experience and those of pervasive, multiiple media that coalesce with individual circumstance.


In the absence of knowledge of self;  knowing little of history, government, geography, economics, and world culture;  lacking appreciation for exquisite music and visual art;  uncomfortable in and alienated from nature;  insensitive to beauty of nature and human creation;  the typical person lives out this one earthly sojourn as an automaton given to base addictions.

Not until we are positioned to become people of knowledge and ethics will people gain the opportunity to live lives of meaning.

In the meantime, daily life and an abundance of contemporary dilemmas are replete with catastrophic reminders of the human degradation that now abides.

Jan 10, 2022

Article #13 >>>>> Origins and Consequences of Wretched Public Education Throughout the United States

The Essential Situation Circa New Year 2022

Thus, following from events and processes described in articles 1-12 in this series, do we see that the knowledgeable citizenry envisioned by Thomas Jefferson and Horace Mann never developed.

The common school movement was enormously promising but even at 19th century peak impact featured schools that varied widely and wildly in quality, as did the normal school programs that trained teachers.  These schools, did, though, feature knowledge and skill based curriculum that gave many students a sense of United States history, world geography and history, English literary classics, government and civics, and foundational mathematics.

Similarly, high schools and junior high schools developed over the course of the first two decades of the 20th century so as to present knowledge-based curriculum inspired by the instruction long imparted to the privileged.

And despite the best efforts of university-based education professors to promote the vacuous curriculum touted by William Heard Kilpatrick and Harold Rugg and acolytes at Teachers College/Columbia University, most locally centralized school district leaders comtinued well into the 1960s to deliver foundational skills and subject area knowledge desired by the preponderance of families, very much including immigrant and African American populations seeking ascent on the economic ladder.

But the anti-knowledge creed advanced by education professors resonated with the zeitgeist of the late 1960s and early 1970s, gaining dominance at a most unfortunate historical juncture, at which affluent African Americans chased the national dream into the suburbs, fast upon the heels of whites in flight.  

Left behind at the urban core were the poorest of the poor, now victim not only of the degradations wought by history but particulary wretched public education.  The standards movement energized in the aftermath of the 1983 publication of A Nation at Risk showed promise but eventually was undermined by forces of both the political right and the political left.

Our students (those who graduate) now walk across the stage at graduation to claim a piece of paper that is a diploma in name only, and our schools give us the ignorant population that we have in the United States today.  

We see the abundantly abominal consequences of wretched public education in the ongoing life of the nation, as presented in the articles to follow in this series.