Oct 25, 2018

Philosophical Ruminations as to Why Very Few People Care About K-12 Education, About Life, About Anything Beyond Their Twitter-Tweeting Faceless Facing Facade

Consider how young you are in a universe that banged into existence 14,700,000,000 (14.7 billion) years ago.


Know that the earth took form only 4,500,000,000 (4.5 billion) years ago.


Understand that homo sapiens first appeared on the globe just 200,000 years ago. 


Grasp that the first full-blown civilizations developed over the course of 4,000 BC (BCE) to 1500 BC (BCE), many thousands of moons before the Buddha (570 BC [BCE]), Jesus (6 BC [BCE]), and Muhammad (570 AD [CE]) offered their spiritual counsel to people in quest of meaning.


Get into your consciousness, then, that you are a moral baby lost in time and space, trying to scramble your way to some sense of why you are here.


But you really have no idea.


You fill you daily life with triviality, failing to grasp the counsel of the Three Greats:


You are sunk deep into maya, lost in an illusion that the material world offers you meaning.


You, though most of you are solidly middle class, are concerned about what you shall eat and what you shall wear and how you must conform to the dictates of illegitimate assemblages of pretenders to authority.


And instead of focusing your attention relentlessly on the Divine Principle at the core of Meaning, you twitter and tweet and dither your way in trivial attempts to hide your spiritual desperation.   


Developing knowledge-intensive public education falters under the Watchful Eye of One Whose people suffer from a lack of knowledge.


And so you stumble, bumble,  rumble, and never do what you ought to do.


You never became a spiritual adult.


Your values are murky.


You cannot properly impart knowledge and wisdom to children when you have so little knowledge and wisdom to offer.


Lacking meaning, you drown yourself in opioids, alcohol, cannibus, cocaine, heroin, anything that prevents you from making the effort to understand your place in the Great Gift of Creation, that Life is a Wondrous Joy if lived courageously.


But you are cowardly.


You have low levels of citizenship, empathy, altruism.


Most everything that you do is undertaken behind a façade.


Under such circumstances, you cannot have the discussions necessary for consensus on what we shall teach the children.


In truth, you are younger than they, just a babe in the universe, pretending that you are living when life as you have defined it is a persistent pursuit of Death.




Keep those ruminations on the reality of your existence in brain as you perpend:


The two most recent forums (Isaiah Forum, Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church in Minneapolis, 16 October;  Pollen Midwest Forum, Franklin Middle School, 23 October) for the candidates for the two contested At-Large seats on the Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education up for election on 6 November have been highly controlled affairs. 


This is fascinating in its own way. 


I have wondered in my ruminations of the last several days how intentional such exerted control is, how clueless, how self-serving, how fearful:


Do the powers that be have a driving need to maintain control? 




Are people who sponsor and organize such events clueless as to what constitutes truly informational gatherings that in some measure further the exercise of democracy?




Do people whose sites and organizations host such events get great ego satisfaction in the opportunity to spout self-serving bromides proclaiming their white-nice liberalism and highly generalized dedication to racial harmony, social justice, and the education and well-being of our youth?




Are the powers that be, in association with question #1, afraid that opening up a forum to unedited questions will expose their incompetence and frailties?




So, as far as they go, those are the answers, each rendered affirmatively, if in that affirmation  suggesting the negation of human good.


But in what proportion does each of those explanations find resonance in the reality of human motivation for occupying positions of public profile and some level of authority?  What motivation in any such occupation is ever for the advancement of prospects for those for whom service is purportedly given, as compared to the motivation for advancing one’s personal prospects in the pretension that one’s efforts are good for others?


The way in which these school board candidate forums have been organized strongly suggests public altruistic posturing as veneer to the reality of personal public projection and self-aggrandizement, with a mix of awareness that posturing is transpiring with a cluelessness as to one’s true motivations beneath the posturing.




I am ever aware of the behavioral operants, the reinforcements and aversions to which I am responding. 

As a student of both the Buddha and Freud, I am aware of the ubiquity and seductions of the human ego.  All human beings must be wary of their egocentric predispositions and in the quest for spiritual growth strive to construct the most constructively positive reinforcements for inducing altruistic and empathic behavior---   while establishing aversive consequences for acting out of strictly selfish concerns.


Understanding the operant foundations of human behavior, of why people do what they do, will move us to better personal and social understanding and a level of decision-making capacity that leaps beyond the chimera of free will.  When we evolve from spiritual babies into moral adulthood, advance to an understanding of the favorable social outcomes that are impossible while clinging to the notion of free will, we will ironically be freer when we realize that we have no free will but we do have marvelous brains capable of making much better decisions when possessed of a bevy of the proper breadth, depth, and quality of knowledge.    




Aside from those awareness-limited and ego-driven human beings who have organized these school board candidate forums, many others have revealed themselves to be spiritual infants:


Many in my universe of acquaintance and observation have shown themselves to be bad parents, lousy citizens, incapable taskers, undependable collaborators, and clueless practitioners of the art of being human.


Education properly delivered would require a discussion and consensus as to what knowledge in our human inheritance is most important to pass on to the youth of our Village;  and what messages of ethics and morality we of the human family decide that we want to pass onto our young, our future, our hope.


Before we can do this, though, we must break the bonds of moral infancy, decide who we are and what we want to be.


As life as we know it crumbles around us, the Life that can be awaits.

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