Sep 27, 2021

Article #3 >>>>> >Journal of the K-12 Revolution: Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Vo


Article #3


Degraded Condition of Life in the USA and the World Will Continue Until We Revolutionize Public Education

Humankind currently exists in the degraded condition that should be expected for a species dwelling as infant born in just 200,000 BCE in a universe 13.8 billion and on a planet 4.5 billion years old.

>>>>>  All but a few nations have GDP per capita above $15,000 per annum.

>>>>>  The dominant forms of governance follow historical trends in which ruling elites have such vacuous lives and so little cultural mettle that they can think of little more creative to do than to seek territorial expansion and personal material gain at the expense of abused citizens.

>>>>>  And those citizens have such low information bases pertinent to history, government, and economics;  and such little sense of personal power;  that they are ever at the mercy of such low-life power-holders.  

>>>>>  Further, the populace even in putatively advanced nations dwells in such ignorance and cultural degradation that the beauty of life in quality literature, musical genius, visual art, and Nature's splendor is missed as people

>>>>>  kill themselves with opioids;

>>>>>  leave people hungry and dirty on the streets;  

>>>>>  murder each other on urban pavements out of desperation, in the context of lives without meaning;  

>>>>>  barricade themselves in gated communities in retreat from the urban horrors that they have created;  

>>>>> eat carelessly, live unhealthily, and die young due to reckless living; 

 >>>>>  abuse the bestowal of Nature's bounty so badly that the life of the planet and therefore their own resides at the brink;  

>>>>> and dwell in such ignorance and moral vacuity that they think that this is life as life must be.

But this is not life as life must be, nor Life as Life can be when we muster the courage to revolutionize K-12 education for knowledge-intensity and ethical content after deep introspection and prescient consideration as to who we want to be and what we want to recall as valuable and meaningful at that point at which we shall die.

Consequence of Abysmal Education for the Individual >>>>>  An Earthly Sojourn Lived in Abject Ignorance (Part One)

The typical individual lives out her or his one earthly sojourn in abject ignorance.

The beauty and intricacy of mathematics remains a mystery.  With foundations ill-established by math-phobic K-5 teachers, for many people fractions remain perceptibly higher mathematics, decimals are dimly comprehended, percentages are vaguely grasped, and long division is a lost art.  Ill-prepared for advance even to algebra or geometry, the typical  individual never enters the splendor of higher order reasoning developed through experience with advanced statistics, trigonometry, calculus, differential equations, and beyond.  The typical individual makes all manner of ill-considered decisions in the course of a lifetime left ignorant as to mathematical probability and higher order reasoning.

The typical individual has little understanding of biology, chemistry, or physics.  She or he has the barest grasp of human anatomy, physiology, diet, nutrition, and physical training.  The typical individual has little sense of the age of the universe, evolution of life, the nature of the cosmos, the scientific principles that undergird existence.  Such an individual proceeds on the basis of supposition and superstition, a world of ignorant conjecture rather than factual analysis.

An individual going forth from wretched K-12 education has no comprehension of the sequence of world and American events over time;  any detailed knowledge of political theory or practical governance; the geographical fundamentals of the globe on which she or he dwells;    international economic systems, macro and micro economics, monetary and fiscal policy, the Federal Reserve or World Bank or International Monetary Fund;  the psychological principles that predict, determine, and as ongoing reality govern the individual life. 

The typical person reads at a grade 7 level, has little knowledge of musical composition, dim appreciation for musical genres, no ability to play a musical instrument, is bereft of knowledge and appreciation for the  literature, painting, and sculpture produced in magnificent diversity across civilizations.

The individual of most common encounter is inept at manual tasks and the fundamentals of skills practiced in vocational trades, unable even to ask intelligent questions or to follow rudimentary explanations.  

The typical person knows little of any language not of her or his nativity, more likely to resent or fear an unfamiliar language than to assuage her or his ignorance.  

The typical individual is more likely to cling to crude, ego-aggrandizing forms of religion and to live without a consistent moral code than to grasp the transcendent concepts and ethical precepts of world religious and humanistic traditions.   


Such an individual lives out her or his one earthly sojourn bereft of knowledge, skill, analytical reasoning, higher culture, and morality.  Such a person is ever susceptible to  manipulation by demagogues and to her or his own irrationality and immorality. 

And because such individuals dominate the earth, we bear the consequences--- despite the presence of counterexample in the lives and achievement of those who have ascended to intellectual and cultural heights---  of the resulting  violence, cruelty, and debased avocations observable across a world in which most people go to their graves never remotely aware of the ascendant potential of the great gift of 


Consequence of Abysmal Education for the Individual >>>>>  An Earthly Sojourn Lived in Abject Ignorance (Part Two)

Given a knowledge-bereft, skill-deplete, ethically vacuous K-12 education, the typical individual lives out her or his earthly sojourn in abject ignorance, responding to the world in the absence of information pertinent to mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, history, government, geography, economics, psychology, quality literature, English usage, visual art, music, world languages, diverse manual skills, and personal health. 

Lacking knowledge of behaviorally determinative genetics and environment, she or he never understands the causes of her or his behavior or perceptible decisions.  She or he rides a life wave the origin and direction of which are dimly comprehended.  

Grasping little of science and possessing meager analytical training, she or he relies on emotion, superstition, and supposition.  She or he seldom lives creatively, following well-worn tracks trod by family and acquaintances, never venturing beyond the familiar. likely in the extreme to remain lodged in a comfort zone, whatever the actual degree of fulfillment or satisfaction.

The unsatisfactory nature of this sort of life is seen in high rates of alcoholism, drug addiction, obesity, clogged arteries, high blood pressure, digestive maladies, violence, illogic, and self-focus that bodes ill for nature, climate, electoral judgment, justice, and societal concordance.

Typical individuals in the aggregate produce a society mostly living in ignorance, illogic, immorality, insecurity, and discord---  

which is to convey the quality of life in year 2021.

Societal Consequences of Abysmal K-12 Education

Given the quality of the populace produced by wretched systems of public education, life in 2021 ensues in a degraded societal context created by an ignorant aggregate citizenry.  

Lacking understanding of the genetic, developmental, and environmental determinants of behavior, society fails to design knowledge-intensive, ethically substantive curriculum for students of all economic descriptors.

Families mired in poverty at the urban core tend to remain in that circumstance, so that their children go forth to mean streets leading to psychic or physical death, or to prisons.  Having created the environmental context for behavior resulting in incarceration, we fill prisons disproportionately with those abused by history and current circumstance.

As poverty and associated behaviors persist at the urban core, those at the urban periphery, in the suburbs, and within gated communities dwell in their own psychic poverty, themselves the victims of limited education.  

Very few citizens comprehend the constituent components of an excellent education.  The great bulk of the populace, lacking adequate knowledge of mathematics, natural science, social science, and the humanities, make poor decisions pertinent to government, public health, community well-being;  and to their own health, vocation, and avocation. 

Feigning interest in their children's education and life prospects, parents  instead seek personal aggrandizement in sending their offspring forth to colleges and universities for pecuniary advancement rather than excellent education likely to sustain individual happiness and societal welfare.

Lacking comprehension of people across the economic and cultural continuums, citizens are typically atomized, often antagonistically.  In the absence of adequate knowledge bases, emotion, superstition, and supposition guide personal and ethical decisions, rather than facts, analysis, and ethics.

Even those deemed well-educated tend to be merely professionally specialized.  Technological proficiency supersedes universally beneficial application of technology.  Personal gain as goal is the paramount value, rather than the universal good.  Failing to comprehend linked destiny, even those individuals considered most fortunate suffer under circumstances in which the general and therefore personal welfare suffers.

In this situation, despite isolated accomplishments in science, technology, industry, commerce, literature, music, and visual art, much of life proceeds in caprice, violence, and immorality.  

A society that lacks understanding of the determinants of human behavior, ethics, and transcendent purpose cannot design systems of excellent public education.  Wretched public education produces an ignorant and immoral citizenry.  

A vicious cycle abides.   

Only when, upon one of those epiphanies observable at rare historical junctures, that cycle is broken, so that the design of excellent public education becomes possible, will we be positioned to realize the potential beauty of Life and leave behind the degradation witnessed

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