Sep 17, 2024

Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs) Proficiency Rates, Minneapolis Public Schools for Years Ending in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024

Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs)

Proficiency Rates


(Figures given in parentheses represent number of students taking the assessments.)


Minneapolis Public Schools




2021   2022  2023   2024


35.5%     33.1%   35.1%    34.7%


(2,696)  (3,889)  (4,175)  (4,183)




45.9%     42.4%   41.4%    40.1%


(3,589)  (5,169)  (5,086)  (5,177)




36.5%     33.4%   31.7%    31.8%


(931)     (1,478)    (1,452)  (1,535)



Using the most easily retrievable data for the St. Paul Public Schools, given in round figures for the academic year ending in 2024, the rounded figures for the Minneapolis Public Schools, woeful as they are, are a bit better than those of the St, Paul Public Schools.


Minneapolis Public Schools

Year Ending in 2024


Math           35%

Reading       40%

Science        32%


St. Paul Public Schools

Year Ending in 2024


Math           34%

Reading       26%

Science       25%

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