Jul 7, 2024

Introductory Comments >>>>> >Journal of the K-12 Revolution: Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota<, Volume XI, Number One, July 2024

Hiring of Tom Parent as Senior Operations Officer Indicative of Poor Judgment on the Part of Sub-Mediocre New Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams


Sub-Mediocre Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams has exercised another of many instances of poor judgment in hiring Tom Parent, the head of operations at the St. Paul Public Schools, as Senior Operations Officer.  This is a person for whose misdeeds the St. Paul Public Schools had to pay $16,000 to settle a harassment suit after several female staff members complained about Parent’s misogynistic treatment of them.


Sayles-Adams’s decision to hire Parent was made, despite misgivings of MPS Senior Human Resources Office Alicia Miller and current Senior Officer for Finance and Operations, Ibrahima Diop.  Diop is one of the three best senior public schools finance officers in the United States;  when MPS Interim Superintendent Rochelle Cox added operations to his responsibilities when she ked the district from July 2022 through December 2023, Diop managed the division adeptly.


Thus, Sayles-Adams has with one considerably maladroit move hired a person of questionable morals, increased the bureaucratic burden of the district by adding an unnecessary position, and dismayed Miller and Diop, two of the most talented members on staff at the Davis Center (MPS central offices).


This is only one of several highly questionable decisions made by the lackluster and mean-spirited Sayles-Adams since she began her unfortunate tenure at the Minneapolis Public Schools(MPS) on February 5, 2024, following a 1 December 2023 MPS Board of Education vote to hire Sayles-Adams.  That vote came after a corruptly conducted superintendent search in which then Board Chair Sharon El-Amin maneuvered to create a Superintendent Task Force dominated by cronies of both her and Sayles-Adams.


The corruption and ineptitude of the current iteration of the MPS Board of Education in conducting the most recent superintendent search are magnified when one considers that Board members bore witness to the most effective leadership that MPS has ever had during the time span (July 2022 through December 2023) in which Interim Superintendent Rochelle Cox led the district.  Cox nurtured the talent of Senior Academic Office Aimee Fearing;  together, Cox and Fearing oversaw the implementation of promising programs pertinent to Intervention Triads, online high-dosage tutoring, online ACT tutoring, as well as nascent efforts to implement in-house teacher training and to advance knowledge-intensive, skill-replete curriculum sequenced grade by grade over the preK-12 years.


But rather than selecting Rochelle Cox as the long-term superintendent, MPS Board of Education members variously led or relented to the corrupt selection process that resulted in the selection of a sub-mediocre, mean-spirited superintendent in Lisa Sayles-Adams, who has ousted her rival Cox and also dismissed Fearing---  both of whom quickly moved to the Fridley Public School District.


In this edition of Journal of the K-12 Revolution, I evaluate the quality of MPS cabinet members that still were listed officially on the MPS website as of June 2024, with an ultimate focus on three associate superintendents who are likely to remain.  The three of mention are Shawn Harris-Berry, Yusuf Abdullah, and Laura Cavender, who are typical, sycophantic education establishment mediocrities whom Sayles-Adams has determined she can dominate.


Conditions at the Minneapolis Public Schools(MPS) have reached a nadir for the period of June 1914 through June 2024 of my intensive investigation into the inner workings of this school district;  reasons for the district reaching this point are powerfully represented by these abominable staffing decisions by the truculent Lisa Sayles-Adams.

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