Jul 3, 2024

Article #2 >>>>> >Journal of the K-12 Revolution: Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota< Volume X, Number Twelve, June 2024

Article #2 

Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) Academic Core and Instruction Staff Must Take Responsibility for Abysmal Academic Proficiency Rates of MPS Students


The Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) Academic Core and Instruction Department staff is responsible for all matters pertinent to student academic progress and therefore must take responsibility for the wretched academic proficiency rates for the student population as a whole and for each demographic group in particular.


With that observation in view, first peruse the abysmal proficiency rates of students in the Minneapolis Public Schools, then consider the particular MPS Academic Core and Instruction staff members who must take responsibility for these results.



Minneapolis Public Schools


Student Academic Proficiency Rates


Based on Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment Results

for Academic Years 2013-2014 through 2022-2023



               African      American  Latine  Asian/    White  All

               American  Indian                     Pacific                 Students





Math        22%           23%          31%     45%         77%      44%


Reading    22%           21%          23%     41%        78%      42%


Science     11%           14%           17%    31%         71%      43%





Math         23%           19%           32%     50%        78%         44%


Reading    21%            20%          25%      40%       77%         42%


Science     15%            16%           18%      35%      75%         36%





Math          21%           19%           31%      50%     78%         44%


Reading     21%            21%          26%       45%     77%         43%


Science       13%            13%         21%        42%    71%         35%





Math           18%            17%          29%       49%     77%        42%


Reading      21%            23%           26%       41%    78%         43%


Science        12%           17%           19%       35%     70%        34%





Math           18%            17%          26%       50%     77%        42%


Reading       22%           24%          27%       48%     80%        45%


Science        11%           14%          17%        37%     71%        34%





Math            18%           18%          25%        47%     75%        42%


Reading        23%           25%         29%        50%      78%       42%


Science         11%            17%        16%        40%       70%      36%





Math               9%             9%           12%       46%       62%      35%


Reading        19%           20%           20%       54%       74%      40%


Science         11%             9%            10%       43%       61%      36%





Math             10%            9%            12%        39%      61%      3%


Reading        18%          22%            18%        49%      71%      42%


Science           8%             9%            11%        36%      60%      33%





Math              8%            10%           12%         25%       61%     35%


Reading       16%            19%           16%         33%       72%     41%


Science           6%             2%             9%          27%      59%      31%


Academic Core and Instruction Staff, June 2024


Billy Perkiss, World Languages District Program Facilitator

Brandy Siddiqui, Social/Ethnic Studies Content Lead

Chas Thomsen, Science Content Lead

Courtney Caldwell, English Language Arts & Literacy Content Lead

Debra L. Andersen, Professional Development Coordinator

Efe Mensah-Brown, Math 6-12 Content Lead

Jeanne Lacy, Executive Assistant

Jeanne Lawless, Math K-5 Content Lead

Jennifer Hanzak, Math K-5 Content Lead

Julie Ripplinger, Literacy K-5 Content Lead

Kelly Merritt, Literacy K-5 Content Lead

Kelsie Leonard, Math 6-12 Content Lead

Kimberly Bice, Director Literacy

Kristin Caquelin, STEM K-8 TOSA

Kyle Hansen, Health/Physical Education Content Lead

Laura Shakespeare, Talent Development Coordinator

Lori Ledoux, Arts District Program Facilitator

Many Belim, Library/Media K-12 Content Lead

Marie Olson, Literacy Early Childhood Education

Natalie Tourtelotte, Director K-12 Programs

Paddy Emerson, Social/Ethnic Studies Content Lead

Rodert Kohnert, College Credit Programming Content Lead

Shauna Kidimu, Math Early Childhood Content Lead

Sizi Goya, Director Math

Stephanie Nordstog, Interim Executive Director

Tommie Casey, Director AVID Programming


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