Jul 30, 2024

Academic Mediocrity Tia Clasen is the Lamentable Appointment of Inept Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams for the Position of Senior Academic Officer

New Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams continues to demonstrate that she is the typical education establishment functionary, without the imagination to oversee the major changes needed to achieve the necessary overhaul of preK-12 education.  She herself has unimpressive academic credentials, having received no graduate degree in a key academic discipline (e.g., mathematics, physics, history, government, economics, English or world literature) most important for mastery by preK-12 students.  

Now, Sayles-Adams has appointed as new MPS Senior Academic Officer a mediocrity similar in training to herself.

Note that this new MPS officer, Tia Clasen, has the following insubstantial academic credentials, with no degree at either the undergraduate or graduate level in a key academic discipline:

Tia Clasen (Senior Academic Officer) 

Academic Degree/Credential

Ed.D., Educational Leadership              

(Hamline University, 2017-2021)       


M. Ed., Curriculum and Instruction                    

(The College of St. Scholastica)


B. S., Elementary Education and Teaching              

(Augsburg University, 1995))



Other Credentials


>>>>>   Superintendent License (Hamline University, 2014-2016)


>>>>>   Certificate in Gifted, Talented, and Creative Education (Hamline University)


>>>>>   Middle Level Licensure (Hamline University)


>>>>>   Certificate in Language Arts and Social Studies (all)  (Hamline University)


>>>>>   Literacy Coursework (Hamline University)


Including, but not limited, to the following:
Classes in K-12 Reading Certificate


>>>>>  Critical Coursework (University of St. Thomas)


Including, but not limited, to the following:


Content Area Reading Strategies
Brain Research
Dealing with Difficult Parents
Motivating the Unmotivated
Effective Teaching
Working with At-Risk Students

Jul 19, 2024

Third in a Series >>>>> Applications from A Succinct Summary of the Theology of Gary Marvin Davison and Extended Thoughts Thereon


Applications from

A Succinct Summary of the Theology of Gary Marvin Davison and

Extended Thoughts Thereon



Humanity is still working through the insights of the Enlightenment, seeking to reconcile the theology and practice of the families, communities, and societies that are part of the environment in which they have dwelt through life.


The impact of scientific discoveries and the explanatory power of those discoveries turned many people away from religion. 


Some religious people developed theologies compatible with science, transforming religious myth into metaphor and acting upon the best in the ethnical systems of the major traditions. 


Others clung to the religions of the past.


Ot those responses, the first tends to lead to a firm grasp of observed terrestrial reality but is often accompanied by resistance to, or habitual blockage of, spiritual impulses that emanate from places of worship, music, art, and natural beauty.


The third response tends to proceed from those mired in ignorance, fear, resistance to ineluctable change, or inability to think independently;  since conservative and reactionary religion is hard to reconcile with the insights of Enlightenment and the revelations of science, such religious practice is often proceeds upon an nagging undercurrent of doubt that results in intolerance, cynicism, and hypocrisy.


The optimal response is the second, allowing religious and spiritual impulses to enter one’s consciousness, finding metaphorical power in religious expression, but basing action on rational evaluation of religious and spiritual emotional responses.


In society as of the year 2024, many people are ethically adrift, muddling through life in the absence of a firm moral code:


Some people are troubled by an absence of a sense of meaning and become seekers, very often moving from one spiritual practice to another or embracing one of the established religions of the past that she or he had turned against or disregarded.


Others forever cling to traditional, typically inherited religious expression in the absence of individual critical evaluation.


Others just continue to muddle through, going to their graves as confused as when life began;  and in the deeper recesses of candid consciousness, this oft becomes the fate of the seekers and the clingers, as well.


Those live best who go forth with rationality as their guide but who are able to incorporate the metaphorical power of religion, music, art, and nature into a life in which the governance of the rational is balanced with a sense of the Divine.


Such a person then lives abundantly, gratefully, in awe of the Cosmos, and with a commitment to making the best possible life for as many people as possible. 


Such a person is ever open to spiritual insight but, genuinely confident cognitively and spiritually, is able to focus intently on the life of terrestrial reality, applying firmly developed ethics to the betterment of humankind. 


Such a person is cautiously optimistic, acknowledging challenges but eschewing defeatism and pessimism, committing to sequential action guided by an overall plan that is adjusted along the way as informed by experience and reflection. 


Such a person stands firm, does not retreat to an exclusively personal safe harbor, but rather utilizes safe harbors to venture forth circumspectively onto the oft-gentle but inevitably turbulent seas of Existence.


In her or his vocation and much of that person’s avocation, such a person commits to a life of service to humankind.





Jul 13, 2024

Second in a Series >>>>> Extended Thoughts from "A Succinct Summary of the Theology of Gary Marvin Davison"

Humanity is an infant in time.  

Very few human beings understand either their own place in Eternity or the psychological factors that determine the course of their lives.  Given the enormous stretch of time that transpired after the birth of the universe and the formation of Earth prior to the evolution of humanity, humankind’s search for meaning is still in a nascent stage. 


Until the very recent development of Enlightenment thought, humankind mostly sought answers to Existence in religious myths induced by perception of natural events and supposition as to how those events came to be in Creation.  The insights of Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler, Newton, and then Einstein challenged the literal truth of Creation myths and introduced scientific discovery as a better source of explanation for natural phenomena and reasons for human behavior.


In the course of the 20th century two great psychologists worked their way through the confused morass of nascent social science to establish the foundations of human behavior:


Sigmund Freud found that much of human behavior may be explained in mostly unremembered but formative events, including especially those events that shaped the person in infancy, but also later events recorded in the unconscious or in the even more recondite subconscious.  As the individual moves through life, she or he acts first to satisfy basic human needs and impulses of the Id, then to situate the Ego safely in the world, with the presence of a Superego of varying morality largely derived from the values learned from one’s parents.


B. F. Skinner, while utilizing very different terminology and gathering information with much more rigorous scientific techniques than were employed by Freud, would actually find much of value in Freud’s notions of determinative experiences in infancy and youth.  Further, Skinner’s concept of primary reinforcers resonates with Freud’s conception of the id.  But Skinner also placed extreme importance on secondary reinforcers (money, physical sensation, aversive and pleasant experience) that determine behavior throughout life beyond infancy and youth, combining with those early life experiences to produce the behavior and observed personality of the person at any given time in life.


Taking early and ongoing experience to together, the human being behaves as she or he does as a result of positive reinforcers (rewards), punishments (aversive experiences), and negative reinforcers (the withdrawal of punishment as a reward for altered behavior) that operate on the human organism immediately, in the context of past experience.


Humanity is still working through the insights of the Enlightenment.  The impact of scientific discoveries and the explanatory power of those discoveries turned many people away from religion.  Some religious people developed theologies compatible with science, transforming religious myth into metaphor and acting upon the best in the ethnical systems of the major traditions.  Others clung to the religions of the past.


Whichever response to the Enlightenment taken, most people have not been able to handle the truth that behavior is not the result of free will but rather determined by operant conditioning as described by Skinner.


My own Buddho-Daoist Christian theology incorporates the insights into Existence and exalted moral codes from the pertinent three belief systems into a philosophy guided by Rationality.  Religious Truth is metaphorical and sensed, having much in common with art and nature.  I am consciously influenced by religion as thus conceptualized and stand in awe of Existence and the Great Gift bestowed upon me by Life;  any behavior of mine, though, including those behaviors influenced by religion, I evaluate via rational cognitive processes, with a clear understanding that those cognitive processes operate in a context governed by the principles of operant conditioning. 


Thus, I do not have free will, but by building a strong information base, I can use abundant knowledge to make better decisions, with decision-making ability distinguished from free will:  Decisions occur not as the result of volition, but rather as the result of human intelligence utilized to understand the environmental context that determines behavior, so as to realize the political, social, and cultural environment most likely to produce the best possible Life for humanity.


Joy is felt in the moment as elation under given circumstances and in the context of accumulated personal experience.


Happiness is enduring satisfaction with the course of one’s life.


Joy is to be evaluated for consistency with exalted ethical conduct and regarded with great gratitude as Divine Gift.   


Happiness when achieved will accompany the person all through life.


The Happy person will embrace the wonder of religion, nature, and art while acting according to the principles of scientific and rational thought, knowing that the activation of intelligence upon a strong information base so as to make the best decisions possible under the principles of operant conditioning provides a basis for optimism that by establishing the proper environment the best Life for all people awaits the future of humanity.   

Jul 7, 2024

Front Matter and Contents >>>>> >Journal of the K-12 Revolution: Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota<, Volume XI, Number One, July 2024

Volume XI, No. 1                                          

July 2024


Journal of the K-12 Revolution:

Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota        


The Low Intellectual Quality and Poor Job Performance of Key Staff

Members Among the Sycophants Whom Sub-Mediocre New Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams Has Retained or Hired


A Five-Article Series      


A Publication of the New Salem Educational Initiative

Gary Davison, Editor      


The Low Intellectual Quality and Poor Job Performance of Key Staff

Among the Sycophants Whom Sub-Mediocre New Minneapolis Public

Schools Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams Has Retained or Hired


A Five-Article Series        


Gary Marvin Davison

Copyright © 2024

New Salem Educational Initiative




Introductory Comments:  Hiring of Tom Parent as Senior Operations Officer Indicative of Poor Judgment on the Part of Sub-Mediocre New Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams


Article #1


Insecure Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams is on the Throes of Making Big Cabinet Changes, Ensuring That Only Sycophants Remain



Article #2


Evaluation of the Performance and Quality of Cabinet Members Listed on the Minneapolis Public Schools Website as of June 2024

Article #3

Insubstantial Credentials and Failed Performance of Shawn Harris-Berry, Likely Key Aide to Sub-Mediocre New Superintendent Lisa Sayles Adams

Article #4

Insubstantial Credentials and Failed Performance of Yusuf Abdullah, Another Likely Key Aide to Sub-Mediocre New Superintendent Lisa Sayles Adams


Article #5

Insubstantial Credentials and Failed Performance of Laura Cavender, Another Likely Key Aide to Sub-Mediocre New Superintendent Lisa Sayles Adams

Introductory Comments >>>>> >Journal of the K-12 Revolution: Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota<, Volume XI, Number One, July 2024

Hiring of Tom Parent as Senior Operations Officer Indicative of Poor Judgment on the Part of Sub-Mediocre New Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams


Sub-Mediocre Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams has exercised another of many instances of poor judgment in hiring Tom Parent, the head of operations at the St. Paul Public Schools, as Senior Operations Officer.  This is a person for whose misdeeds the St. Paul Public Schools had to pay $16,000 to settle a harassment suit after several female staff members complained about Parent’s misogynistic treatment of them.


Sayles-Adams’s decision to hire Parent was made, despite misgivings of MPS Senior Human Resources Office Alicia Miller and current Senior Officer for Finance and Operations, Ibrahima Diop.  Diop is one of the three best senior public schools finance officers in the United States;  when MPS Interim Superintendent Rochelle Cox added operations to his responsibilities when she ked the district from July 2022 through December 2023, Diop managed the division adeptly.


Thus, Sayles-Adams has with one considerably maladroit move hired a person of questionable morals, increased the bureaucratic burden of the district by adding an unnecessary position, and dismayed Miller and Diop, two of the most talented members on staff at the Davis Center (MPS central offices).


This is only one of several highly questionable decisions made by the lackluster and mean-spirited Sayles-Adams since she began her unfortunate tenure at the Minneapolis Public Schools(MPS) on February 5, 2024, following a 1 December 2023 MPS Board of Education vote to hire Sayles-Adams.  That vote came after a corruptly conducted superintendent search in which then Board Chair Sharon El-Amin maneuvered to create a Superintendent Task Force dominated by cronies of both her and Sayles-Adams.


The corruption and ineptitude of the current iteration of the MPS Board of Education in conducting the most recent superintendent search are magnified when one considers that Board members bore witness to the most effective leadership that MPS has ever had during the time span (July 2022 through December 2023) in which Interim Superintendent Rochelle Cox led the district.  Cox nurtured the talent of Senior Academic Office Aimee Fearing;  together, Cox and Fearing oversaw the implementation of promising programs pertinent to Intervention Triads, online high-dosage tutoring, online ACT tutoring, as well as nascent efforts to implement in-house teacher training and to advance knowledge-intensive, skill-replete curriculum sequenced grade by grade over the preK-12 years.


But rather than selecting Rochelle Cox as the long-term superintendent, MPS Board of Education members variously led or relented to the corrupt selection process that resulted in the selection of a sub-mediocre, mean-spirited superintendent in Lisa Sayles-Adams, who has ousted her rival Cox and also dismissed Fearing---  both of whom quickly moved to the Fridley Public School District.


In this edition of Journal of the K-12 Revolution, I evaluate the quality of MPS cabinet members that still were listed officially on the MPS website as of June 2024, with an ultimate focus on three associate superintendents who are likely to remain.  The three of mention are Shawn Harris-Berry, Yusuf Abdullah, and Laura Cavender, who are typical, sycophantic education establishment mediocrities whom Sayles-Adams has determined she can dominate.


Conditions at the Minneapolis Public Schools(MPS) have reached a nadir for the period of June 1914 through June 2024 of my intensive investigation into the inner workings of this school district;  reasons for the district reaching this point are powerfully represented by these abominable staffing decisions by the truculent Lisa Sayles-Adams.

Article #1 >>>>> >Journal of the K-12 Revolution: Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota<, Volume XI, Number One, July 2024

Insecure Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams is on the Throes of Making Big Cabinet Changes, Ensuring That Only Sycophants Remain


Lackluster, jealous, self-serving new Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams is on the throes of making big changes in the composition of her cabinet of key advisers. 


Sayles-Adams has forced out Rochelle Cox, the superlative 27-year staff member of the Minneapolis Public Schools who proved herself to be the most effective leader in the history of the district during her tenure as interim superintendent. 


Cox focused relentlessly on academic improvement during a position of leadership that lasted 16 months, from July 1, 2022 until January 4, 2024, overseeing the development and implementation of intervention triads to address the needs of students most seriously lagging below grade level and also instituting online high-dosage tutoring for other students needing help to achieve grade level skill and online ACT tutoring for high school students needing explicit preparation for the college readiness exam.  Cox cultivated the talent of Senior Academic Officer Aimee Fearing, who implemented Cox’s academic initiatives and became a major advocate for knowledge-intensive curriculum and the acquisition of subject area information and vocabulary necessary for comprehending sophisticated reading material across a range of academic disciplines;  Sayles-Adams has also overseen the exit of Fearing from the Minneapolis Public Schools.


As of the work week of June 17, 2024, though, the Minneapolis Public Schools website listed the same membership that has existed for many months.  Cox returned to a position as associate superintendent when Sayles-Adams became superintendent as of 5 February 2024, but otherwise the cabinet features the same membership that prevailed during Cox’s tenure.


Have, then, a look at the current official membership and be attentive to the major changes that will soon be made by this insecure superintendent who seeks to surround herself with sycophants.


Cabinet of Minneapolis Public School Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams

Shawn Harris Berry, Senior Officer of Schools

Aimee Fearing, Senior Academic Officer

Ibrahima Diop, Senior Officer of Finance and Operations

Alicia Miller, Senior Officer of Human Resources

Justin Hennes, Senior Officer of Information Technology



Associate Superintendents   >>>>>

Yusuf Abdullah

Schools of Responsibility (middle schools and magnet schools  >>>>>

Andersen, Anthony, Anwatin, Bethune, Ellas Baker, Emerson, Franklin, Green, Hall, Justice Page, Las Estrellas, Marcy, MPS Online School, Northeast, Olson, Sanford


Laura Cavender

Schools of Responsibility (elementary schools)  >>>>>

Anishinabe, Armatage, Barton, Burroughs, Cityview, Field, Hale, Kenny, Kenwood, Lake Harriet Lower, Lake Harriet Upper, Lucy Laney, Nellie Stone Johnson, Pillsbury, Waite Park, Webster, Windom


Rochelle Cox

Schools of Responsibility (elementary schools, with one special education school)  >>>>>

Bancroft, Bryn Mawr, Dowling, Folwell, Hmong International Academy, Hiawatha, Howe, Jenny Lind, Keewaydin, Loring, Lyndale, Metro Programs, Northrop, Pratt, Riverbend, Wenonah, Whittier


Michael Walker

Schools of Responsibility (mostly high schools, with two special education schools) >>>>>

Edison, Henry, North, Roosevelt, South, Southwest, Washburn, Fair, Harrison, Heritage, Longfellow, Stadium View, Transition Plus, Wellstone



Sarah Hunter, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives

Derek Francis, Executive Director of Equity and School Climate

Tyrize Cox, Executive Director of and External Relations

Donnie Belcher, Executive Director of Communications and Marketing

Megah Hickey, Executive Director of Student Support Services

Josh Downham, Lobbyist

Ryan Strack, Assistant to the Superintendent and Board

Article #2 >>>>> >Journal of the K-12 Revolution: Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota<, Volume XI, Number One, July 2024

Evaluation of the Performance and Quality of Cabinet Members Listed on the Minneapolis Public Schools Website as of June 2024


The previous article focused on the big changes in the composition of her cabinet that lackluster, jealous, self-serving new Minneapolis Public Schools Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams is on the throes of making. 


I revealed that Sayles-Adams has forced out Rochelle Cox, the superlative 27-year staff member of the Minneapolis Public Schools(MPS) who proved herself to be the most effective leader in the history of the district during her tenure as interim superintendent and that Sayles-Adams has also overseen the departure of Senior Academic Officer Aimee Fearing, who implemented Cox’s academic initiatives and became a major advocate for knowledge-intensive curriculum and the acquisition of subject area information and vocabulary necessary for comprehending sophisticated reading material across a range of academic disciplines.


As of the work week of 17 June 2024, though, the MPS website listed the same membership that has existed for many months.  Cox returned to a position as associate superintendent when Sayles-Adams became superintendent as of 5 February 2024, but otherwise the cabinet features the same membership that prevailed during Cox’s tenure.


In this article I evaluate the members of the cabinet who served during the Cox administration and are still listed officially on the MPS website, in order of value to the district and in terms of factors pertinent to the particular position occupied.


Cabinet of Minneapolis Public School Superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams


Rochelle Cox, Associate Superintendent

(the position to which Cox returned when Sayles-Adams assumed the position of MPS superintendent on 5 February 2024)

As discussed in yesterday’s article, Cox was the most effective leader in the history of the Minneapolis Public Schools during her tenure as interim superintendent;  she also is the only MPS associate superintendent to demonstrate any ability to fulfill the position’s purpose of mentoring principals. 


Aimee Fearing, Senior Academic Officer

Fearing flourished under Cox’s leadership, implementing the administration’s academic initiatives and making a very promising start in moving the district toward knowledge-intensive, skill-replete curriculum.


Ibrahima Diop, Senior Officer of Finance and Operations

Diop, who began his tenure as leader of the MPS finance division in autumn 2016, is one of the two or three best finance officers in the United States;  within three years, he oversaw the construction of the first structurally balanced budget that the district had articulated in many years.  Cox tapped him to serve concomitantly as operations officer, the duties of which Diop has performed suitably.

But Diop has demonstrated little courage in his stance toward the sub-mediocre Sayles-Adams, attending two of the sham “Listening Sessions” and even reporting out small-group responses to the skewed questions at one of the sessions.


Ryan Strack, Assistant to the Superintendent and Board

Strack is a master of standard school board procedure and consistently saved Sharon El-Amin from her woeful lack of knowledge of Robert’s Rules of Order when she served as chair of the Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education.  Strack also has good knowledge of the last half-decade in the history of the Minneapolis Public Schools, but he does not have the comprehensive grasp of the deeper history of MPS, the city of Minneapolis, or the specific history of North Minneapolis as do I—and he gives little indication of understanding matters pertinent to the history and philosophy of education.  And Strack, in training members of the MPS Board of Education, emphasizes standard procedures and associations, thus lamentably contributing to maintenance of the status quo.  He is very much like a bureaucratic, civil servant functionary who keeps a system in motion, for good or, too often, for ill.


Justin Hennes, Senior Officer of Information Technology

Hennes seems to have been a worthy successor to Fadi Fadhil, overseeing technology availability and utilization for classrooms and administration.  He and his staff adroitly responded with months of diligent effort to meet the challenges wrought by hackers during the 2022-2023 academic year.

But Hennes has proved to be among the many staff members who went into personal vocational survival mode with the arrival of the sub-mediocre superintendent Lisa Sayles-Adams, either recording or reporting out small-group responses induced by the skewed questions in the lamentable “Listening Sessions” of spring 2024.  He has been one of many senior staff who have revealed very soft backbones and who are mired variously in ignorance, denial, or outright intellectual and moral corruption in maintaining a wretched system of education at the Minneapolis Public Schools.


Josh Downham, Lobbyist

Downham effectively makes the case for funding the public schools and gets great credit from Minneapolis Public Schools leaders for doing so.  But in moving forward with a “mo’ money” mantra, Downham either consciously or unconsciously provides a major assist in maintaining a wretched system of public education with appeals for funding in the absence of needed change.


Alicia Miller, Senior Officer of Human Resources

Miller has risen quickly in Human Resources in the three years of her tenure at the Minneapolis Public Schools.  She quickly restored order and efficiency in a division that former Human Resources senior officer Candra Bennett had left in shambles.  Miller has also proved adept at negotiation with the Minneapolis Federation of Teacher (MFT) and Education Support Professionals (ESPs).

But, while Miller only participated in one of the sham Listening Sessions, at that one (held at Anwatin Middle School) she shamefully served the same role noted above for Hennes and Diop and has shown of indication of being more the careerist than the servant of student needs at the Minneapolis Public Schools.


Michael Walker, Associate Superintendent with responsibility mostly for overseeing high schools

Walker was an adept dean of students at Roosevelt High School and is skillful in interactions with students.  A failure in his current position and in his previous role as head of the Office of Black Student Achievement, Walker should return to a site-based, student-interactive role.

But inasmuch as Walker has seemed less willing to do the bidding of Sayles-Adams, his days at the Minneapolis Public Schools are probably numbered. 


Laura Cavender, Associate Superintendent with responsibility for overseeing multiple elementary schools

Cavender (an MPS veteran who has served as principal and multiple administrative positions), though having weak academic training, has shown concern for improving academics and seemed to be a promising staff member under Rochelle Cox’s leadership;  but she has caved just as readily as others with the arrival of Sayles-Adams.


Sarah Hunter, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives

Under the leadership of Rochelle Cox, Hunter seemed a highly promising presenter of objective data, including that which revealed the abysmal academic proficiency rates of MPS students in key demographic categories, and she worked closely with Cox and Aimee Fearing in forwarding the move toward knowledge-intense, skill-replete subject area mastery and improvement of teacher quality.

But Hunter has emerged as the woeful Sayles-Adams’s righthand senior staff member, participated in all of the sham Listening Sessions, and shamelessly enacted the pretension of summarizing the skewed data gathered at these sessions.  Hunter is now among those most culpable for cowardice and obsequious behavior upon the arrival of the monotonic mediocrity, Sayles-Adams.


Donnie Belcher, Executive Director of Communications and Marketing

The essential functions of Communication and Marketing seem to have been adequately maintained since Belcher took over for Julie Schultz Brown at the end of the 2021-2022 academic year.

But Belcher shamefully played the loyal servant of Sayles-Adams, attending all of the Listening Sessions, not playing much of a role except to shine a sycophantic smile at every shibboleth uttered by her new boss.


Meghan Hickey, Executive Director of Student Support Services

Hickey is better than average as compared to past occupants of the position as head of Student Support Services, but the activities of this office should be better coordinated with those of

Community and External Relations and Equity/School Climate.

And Hickey is guilty of acquiescence to the lamentable meetings overseen by Sayles-Adams and played much the same obsequious role at the farcical Listening Sessions as did Belcher.


Tyrize Cox, Executive Director of and External Relations

Cox is not effective in her position and is guilty in the manner of Belcher and Hickey.


Derek Francis, Executive Director of Equity and School Climate

Francis is not effective in his position and is guilty in the manner of Belcher, Hickey, and Tyrize Cox.


Shawn Harris Berry, Senior Officer of Schools

Harris-Berry was a failed principal of North High School, elevated according to the Peter Principle to a  office administration.  She is an academic mediocrity who never should have been placed in central office positions with oversight pertinent to schools.

And she has been a lamentable toady in the manner of Belcher, Hickey, Tyrize Cox, and Francis.


Yusuf Abdullah, Associate Superintendent with responsibility mostly for overseeing middle schools

Abdullah was a miserable principal at Patrick Henry (now Camden) High School who discouraged students to opt out of the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs), like Harris-Berry elevated according to the Peter Principle to central office administration.  He is an academic mediocrity who never should have been placed in a central office position with oversight pertinent to schools.

And he has been a lamentable toady in the manner of Belcher, Hickey, Tyrize Cox, Francis, and Harris-Berry.