May 17, 2019

LND II >>>>> The Divine Law of Human Values

LND II >>>>> The Divine Law of Human Values
Divested of His Toxic Psychic Control and having led Her people in an Exodus from the Bonds of Human Degradation, She felt great waves of tension escape her body and her soul.
Free now to create Life as It Should Be, She summoned the Divine Clarity that She felt within Her, suffused as She was with Unmasked Truth, and spoke thusly to Her people:
1     >>>>>     Understand that Love is the essence of the Divine.
2     >>>>>     Think Lovingly.
3     >>>>>      Speak Lovingly.
4     >>>>>      Act Lovingly.
5     >>>>>      Work Lovingly.
6     >>>>>      Strive Lovingly.
7     >>>>>      Concentrate on Love.
8     >>>>>      Meditate and pray with Love.
9     >>>>>      Unite all faiths in Love.               
10   >>>>>      Heal all carnal and spiritual wounds with Love.
She then spoke thusly to her people:
“You must examine all that you once thought was true.  You must oppose all that has been Toxic.  Manifest anger when you must.  Recoil not from confrontation.  Be forceful in battle with the Guardians of Toxicity.  Convert these when you can, defeat them when you must, let them know unequivocally that they must unite with the Good or be gone.
with Courage.
with Love,
toward the Land of Promise,
the Realm of the Good.”

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