May 3, 2019

Genesis II

She looked out upon the Unfathomable Depth and Eternal Expanse and discerned that she was an infant in Time stretching back before the 14.7 billion-year Bang; the 4.5 billion-year production of Earth, her Mother;  and beheld her own Birth less than a quarter of a million years prior to the times of the Great Tribulation.  She looked at him and discerned that he would cause much trouble, for which he would make her bear the blame in the Great Struggle that would ensue before the Great Victory and the Divine Epiphany.


She had no option but to endure him, he who in his abundance of ego and crude physicality strove to diminish her for his fear of her Potential Magnificence.  She did endure throughout all time until the Great Tribulation induced the Lucid Evaluation.  She had felt so degraded that she devised unhealthy ways of coping, accepting humiliations devised by him and evolving her own.  Thus did she paint her face, force her body into uncomfortable raiment, and totter forth variously on bound feet and those little stilts, those spike-heeled abominations, thus accepting the crippling of Soul and Body that he had thrust upon her, in which she was duped for two hundred thousand years.


But Eternity bestows Time that never ends and provides that temporal space for observation, reflection, and the drama of Existence that led to the Great Tribulation.  She awoke one day and discerned what life could be.  For the first time she imagined the Value of Life beyond marital incarceration and familial formulations that abetted and prolonged her agony, promoted and exalted that degradation of life that humanity perceived at 2020.


She took control.


She washed her face.


She cast aside those little stilts.


She tapped him on the shoulder and said, “Move over little brother, until some of your number attain my age:  I will lead.”


Thus did she abet the aversion of Impending Disaster that threatened humanity at 2020.  Her Divine Epiphany rescued humanity from extinction and made possible full enjoyment of Eternity, the Cosmos and Earth that would remain whether humanity endured or not.


But humanity endured.


The victory was her accomplishment, which when he was ready she generously shared with him.


Thus did Female and Male unite and did the wheeled engine of their interaction produce Life that had always been possible.  Birds, flowers, rivers, lakes, oceans, skies, clouds, stars, planets, all the world in its botanical and zoological splendor of a sudden became apparent;  with all the world wondering what had taken so long.


What, indeed, had taken so long for the Divine Epiphany, the Grand Realization of the Divine Gift of Life?


In Time the question would matter a great deal and yet matter not at all, because the Supreme Internalization engendered


Life As It Could Always Have Been




All That Life Would Thenceforth Be.


She looked fully into the Divine and saw that It was Very Good.

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