May 28, 2019

J-E History II >>>>> Seeking Divinity, Part One

Clear now as to Her Values, She searched for Divinity in history, poetry, and prophesy.


Peering through the Tunnel of History, Female saw the story told by Male, that tale in which domination guided action, thought, and the contents of the story as told by him.  She endured the litany of judges, kings, and rivals;  she noted that even queens collapsed in the mire of corruption and amidst the snares set by him.  Life as seen by Male consisted of incessant warfare, territorial acquisition and loss, the constant striving to separate one people from another, the quest for power for the sake of power, the desire to subdue the Other, whether on the battlefield on in the harem.  Female knew that much of history had been grim and that most of the events conveyed by Male were either factually or thematically true.  But he had dominated the recording:  So much had gone untold.


She spilled out of the Tunnel of History onto the broader Plain of the Past.  There she gained the perspective of a wider field of vision.  She came to understand that the nature of the search and the quality of deeds exhibited by Male were grounded in something very important.  Male wanted meaning:  why he was Here and where he was heading in Eternity.  He wanted security:  perceived opponents loomed, presumed enemies abounded, others in the land seemed to be competing for what he wanted and seeking to take what he had.  And he ached to know the course of Creation, the nature of the Source, the path to deep connectedness with the Divine.


Moving farther from the Tunnel of History, roaming farther and wider on the Plain of the Past, Female discerned that Male’s search had been profound but that his pathways had been errant, his conclusions mundane, his actions destructive.  Female felt the poignancy of Male’s boastfulness, his pride, his quest for power, his desire to dominate.  She knew that all of these had arisen from Fear, the Enemy that he projected onto his fellows, life, her.          


Her sojourn led next to the Path of Eternity.  Nature, Music, and Art motioned her ahead to a  Land that promised meaning, security, connectedness.  Poets and Prophets led her forward through Echoes of the Past and Promise of the Future.  She discerned the Echoes, comprehended the Promise, and took abundant joy in what this meant for Male and Female in connection with the Divine.  

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