May 11, 2019

Exodus II

Exodus II


On the day of the Divine Epiphany, She saw everything anew.


In her Gaze of Enlightenment, interstate highways disappeared, the edifices of commerce receded, fast food conveyors conveyed no more, smokestack factories were factored out, and the multiple tawdry halls of self-medication vanished.


She drilled a hole into the multiple chimeras of that which had seemed, and some still thought, real, scarcely believing that She had once however scornfully deemed these to have reality.  These things now appeared as illusion, maya, distraction from Existence, and yet they were there, reminding her of how crude the society with Him at the helm had been:  children abused by priests;  women raped by spouses;  laborers herded into soul-dulling factories, mines, fields where they picked but got no fruit;  destitute folk begging pittances on street corners;  the materially rich but vagabond souls pouring into gala hallways, gawdy stores, gated residential prisons desperately hiding from what they had created and from answers to questions they were afraid to ask.  


Her vision became more acute the longer she peered into the degradation before her.  She saw mothers drowning daughters in rivers;  fathers leaving vehicles with sons sealed in solar death;  wives killing husbands, husbands murdering wives, mutual eliminations on pathways to suicide;  humanity killing humanity while spouting all names Holy, acting with hate when the Directors had commanded, “Love!”


Then the chimeras vanished.  The illusions were no more.  She saw Humanity as It Could Be.  She made a Covenant with the Good and envisioned a journey Home through a Sea of Hope.


She felt unprecedented Power well up within Her.  She was without fear.  She beheld Life in fullness of beauty, clarity of air, purity of stream, fragrance of flower, magnificence of beast, majesty of mountain.  Once drained, the detritus of centuries gave way to what Female and Male had created that was worthy as Nature’s siblings:  visual art, music, poetry, drama, dance.


She briefly beheld a counter-vision in which babies would sail the River to Destruction unless she acted immediately.


Fully bolstered by Divine Epiphany, having seen with clarity Life as it Could Be, She confronted Life as It Had Been and forcefully declared:


“You must let my people go.”


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