May 21, 2019

Article #3 >>>>> Board of Education Comprehensive Design Presentation 2019-2022 >>>>> Districtwide Comprehensive Assessment--- Implementation Plan

Districtwide Comprehensive Assessment--- 

Implementation Plan




This is an overview for the Comprehensive District Design plan created to ensure that all MPS graduates are equipped with the knowledge and skills to be successful in three key areas:  Academics, Social and Emotional Skills, and Career/Life Experiences.  This plan is designed to provide academic excellence for all students so that they are


>>>>>    Prepared for excellence and success in career, college, and life


>>>>>    Equipped with a broad array of knowledge capacities, skills, and experience


>>>>>    Empowered to thrive in diverse, multi-cultural, and global settings and communities


>>>>>    Draft:  Implementation DWCA


>>>>>    This document is a first draft of potential implementation


>>>>>    Next steps will be fully vetted with more detailed steps needed based on a final decision of pathways and programming and project management.




1.  >>>>>  Set clear expectations for all graduates and for the daily experiences of our students, staff, and families.


2.  >>>>>  Enhance academic programming that delivers academically rigorous and relevant programming that meets the needs of all learners.  MPS will consistently provide an individualized approach to instruction that begins with all students participating in high quality coursework aligned to state standards; enriched to result in a well-rounded education (ESSA: S. 1177-298).


3.  >>>>>  Create solid predictable staffing models that ensure a common foundation for all MPS schools and students.


4.  >>>>>  Provid clear equitable academic pathways supported by efficient and financuially sustainable transportation options.


5.  >>>>>  Pursue multiple approaches to sustainable funding, including targeted, data-informed efforts to increase market share.




1.  >>>>>  Set clear expectations for all graduates and for the daily experiences of our students, staff, and families.


Spring 2019


>>>>>  Begin creation of design to achieve the vision of MPS Graduates and Expectations for MPS Daily Experiences


>>>>>  Communicate need for design teams for each area. (I-IV)


>>>>>  Use of My Life Plan to set goals for Ss to support their post-secondary plans


>>>>>  Use ILP (ESSA)




>>>>>  Continued development of MTSS protocols.


>>>>>  Establish design teams for each area (I-IV)


>>>>>  Create collaboration b/t counselors/administrators and teachers to support plan.




>>>>>  Implementation of design teams review and plan each decision for presentation and descision-making Language translation---  Parent communication




>>>>>  Create scheduled “advisory” sessions for implantation and usage of My Life Plan during school day for each student




>>>>>  Supportive programming for each grade level


>>>>>  Articulated graduation requirements

             Implementation of Comprehensive Design          


>>>>>  Articulated Individual Learning Plan (My Life Plan)




1.  >>>>>  Enhance academic programming that delivers academically rigorous and relevant programming that meets the needs of all learners.  MPS will consistlly  provide an individualized approach to instruction that begins with all students participating in high quality coursework aligned to state standards;  enriched to results in a well-rounded education (ESSA: S. 1177-298).


Spring 2019


>>>>>  use of CAN Of SIP to establish curriculum needs and academic programming by school


>>>>>  Evaluate Middle data to support CNA planning


>>>>>  Complete District leader training for Differentiation Implementation


>>>>>  Review fine arts plans for schools


>>>>>  Review and articulate plan for access to world languages




>>>>>  Create professional development based on CNA


>>>>>  Revisit middle school programming and access implementation by sites


>>>>>  Begin traning for difffentiation specialists by school sites


>>>>>  Establish staffing plan for access


>>>>>  Pursue funding for equitable access to world languages for 8th graders




>>>>>  Implementation of strategies developed based on CAN of each school site Cluster PD to support school implementation




>>>>>  PD re:  middle school platform implementation


>>>>>  Implementation and coaching re:  Differentiation specializng


>>>>>  Scheduling changes at school sites to accommodate acess to fine arts programming


>>>>>  Create staffing plan and language implementation

             Recruit world language teachers

             Support modified staffing models

             Create HR practices for programming





>>>>>  Articulation of individualized approaches to instruction and academic programming


>>>>>  Articulated transition plan to middle schools and upper grades


>>>>>  Access to accelerated learning opportunities preK-8


>>>>>  Access to fine arts for all grade levels


>>>>>  Access to at least one world language (6-8)




Spring 2019


>>>>>  Create professional development opportunities for middle school cohorts


>>>>>  Review Ethnic Studies course progression


>>>>>  Collect master schedules for 2019-2020


>>>>>  Research Universal Design, set up intro meetings for exploration and training opportutnities

             Assess staffing capacity to deliver PD


>>>>>  Review standards for Media Services

             Collecting staff information for school sites

             Design PD for site w/ and w/out support




>>>>>  Begin training one teacher per grade level at each site in talent development and advanced

learner education


>>>>>  Create steering committee for planning course implementation and consistency


>>>>>  Review master schedules and begin phase in process for all HS


>>>>>  Provide Universal Design for Learning

             Professional and Inclusive Practices Development districtwide


>>>>>  Establish staffing plan for Library Media Services




>>>>>   Continue talent development and advanced learner education trqining

              Continued PD for teachers for differentiation and advanced learner access and identification     

              and exposure


>>>>>   Communication and staffing strategies and training


>>>>>   Articulate student pathway to career exploration, PSEO, and Advanced Academics


>>>>>   Create fidelity check lists for the use of Universal Design for Learning and inclusive Practices districtwide


>>>>>   Increase PD for Media specialists




>>>>>   Articulated Advanced Learner Model for middle school programming

              Articulated credits earned on transcript for advanced learners w/in high school coursework


>>>>>   Full implementation and rotation of course offerings


>>>>>   Access to career exploration, PSEO, and Advanced Academics (HS)


>>>>>   Partner with schools and programs for implementation of Universal Design for Learning and Inclusive Practices strategies


>>>>>   Access to Library Media Services




III.  Create a solid and predictable foundation upon which schools can build to meet the unique needs of the students they serve.


Spring 2019


>>>>>  Review HR EDIA plan for milestones

             Collate and adapt for DWCA


>>>>>  Continue MTSS toolkit development and staff training


>>>>>  Assess staff needs according to equity framework


>>>>>  Continue work with Restorative Practice subcommittee and MDHR trainings


>>>>>  Preparation for Cohort 2 for SEL protocols and focus on adult behaviors


>>>>>  Continue work to build out strong reading, math, and SEL  interventions for special education




>>>>>  Work plans for HR EDIA plan regarding staff retention and staff recruitment


>>>>>   Roll out updated MTS toolkit

                Deliver PD for MTSS implementation


>>>>>   Continue training for Restorative Practice for school sites


>>>>>  Continue on boarding for cohort 2 SEL


>>>>>  Continue with professional development on reading, math, and SEL interventions for special education.




>>>>>   Design onboarding tools and experiences for new teachers that better support their transition into MPS


>>>>>   Design onboarding tools and experiences for new staff that better support their transition into MPS


>>>>>   Review further prevention and climate supporting processes


>>>>>   Complete SEL cohorts onboarding for all sites


>>>>>   Develop fidelity checks and partner with schools on implementation of reading, math, and SEL interventions for special education




>>>>>   Increase of teacher retention


>>>>>   Predicable staffing that includes nurses, counselors, instructional supports, special education, and other positions


>>>>>   Implementation of tiered instruction of MTSS


>>>>>   Follow implementation plan for equity framework


>>>>>   Review and evaluate implementation of restorative practices and school and culture and climate impact on student experience


>>>>>   Evaluate implementation of cohort ½ SEL protocol, adult behavior, and standard implementation in direct classroom instruction


>>>>>   Continue training and refinement on program standards for Federal Setting III and IV special education programs




IV.  Provide clear, equitable academic pathways supported by efficient and financially sustainable transportation options


Spring 2019


>>>>>  Review evaluation of magnet programming impact, data, student achievement, and elements of practice


>>>>>  Evaluate specialized learning practices, modules, grade configurations, academic programming


>>>>>  Intentional pathways and supports for English learners who are new to country---  students in grades 3-12 designated


>>>>>   Design intentional Dual Language Program pathways to meet goals of full bilingualism, biliteracy, and academic achievement


>>>>>   Design intentional special education citywide pathways in which students can advance through grades with their peers.

Proposed Special Education Pathways




>>>>>  Assess implementation of magnet protocols


>>>>>   Create design team to determine desired specialized programs for implementation


>>>>>   Strengthen enrollment practices (identification of students who are new-to-country and have experienced interrupted schooling at both north and south centers.

Align budget priorities for schools that contain this pathway (bilingual AEs, counselors, etc.)


>>>>>  Create a timeline and staffing plan for transition to new pathway plan


>>>>>  Create a timeline and staffing plan for transition to new special education citywide pathways





>>>>>   Use protocols to monitor fill implementation

Evaluate magnet funding sources

Monitor student enrollment, engagement, and achievement


>>>>>   Create rubric for levels of implementation and monitoring of student achievement and

engagement and effectiveness of PD for staff and students


>>>>>   PD for all stakeholders at sites (admin, content teams, family engagement resources) on

supporting students and families in academics and beyond


>>>>>   Implement program pathway changes at notated sites


>>>>>   Implementation Phase I of new special education citywide pathways

Design Spanish multi-categorical program for Spanish Immersion sites




>>>>>   Define zone magnet offerings and articulated pathways


>>>>>   Site defined specialty programming w/ articulated learning approaches


>>>>>   Programming focused on unique cultural and linguistic needs of students


>>>>>   Implementation Dual Language Program Pathways PK-12 fully implemented


>>>>>   Implementation Phase I of new special education citywide programming





V.  Increase market share


Spring 2019


>>>>>  Data collection of family experiences and withdrawal ratonale


>>>>>  Evaluation of housing demographics


>>>>>  Planning for roll out of cultural humility pd across departments




>>>>>  Continue work for towards a culturally responsive framework that respects diversity, creates a safe, inclusive, and respectful learning environment;  yielding teaching practices across disciplines promoting equitable learning opportunities


>>>>>  Create PD for further practice of cultural humility among various school staff




>>>>>  Implementation of cultural humility practices for engaging families

Cultural relevant practices to be reflected in school culture, climate, and curriclum


>>>>>  Implementation of cultural humility practices and monitoring of family experiences




>>>>>  High-quality culturally relevant programming


>>>>>  Welcoming school climates

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