May 20, 2019

Article #4 >>>>> Board of Education Comprehensive Design Presentation 2019-2022 >>>>> Comprehensive District Design Recommendations: Special Education Citywide Programming

Comprehensive District Design Recommendations:  Special Education Citywide Programming
Region 1
>>>>>    Comprehensive District Design---  SPED Citywide Programming
>>>>>    The Special Education (Specialized Citywide Programming) recommendations for the Comprehensive District Design create clear pathways for students who may not be having their needs met in their current school communities.  Some schools have many more students receiving Special Education Services than others
>>>>>    These recommendations would balance Special Education services across the district and allow more school choice within community schools so that students could progress through grades with their general education peers.  This re3comended structure  can be easily changed to accommodate changing student needs and students’ Individual Education Plans (IEPs)  
>>>>>    Comprehensive District Design---  Special Education Citywide Programming
Region 1  >>>>>>  Improve academics and increase enrollment
School  >>>>>     Jenny Lind
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    Unchanged
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Olson Middle School to Henry High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    not applicable
School  >>>>>     Loring
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                 >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    Unchanged
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Olson Middle School to Henry High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    not applicable
School  >>>>>     Cityview
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    2 ECSE Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    Unchanged
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Olson Middle School to Henry High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    not applicable
School  >>>>>     Lucy Laney
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 Inclusive Allocations
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    2 ECSE Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 Inclusive Allocations
                >>>>>    1 ECSE Classroom
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Franklin Middle School to North High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    An ECSE classroom will be moved to Lucy Laney to equitably design citywide
Programming around the school district
School  >>>>>     Nellie Stone Johnson
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation                
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    Unchanged
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Franklin Middle School to North High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    not applicable
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Olson Middle School to Henry High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    not applicable
School  >>>>>     Elizabeth Hall
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ECSE Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 ECSE Inclusion Allocations
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom           
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ECSE Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 ECSE Inclusion Allocations
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom           
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation               
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Franklin Middle School to North High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    A School Based allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community.
School  >>>>>     Hmong International Academy
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocations
                >>>>>    1 ECSE Inclusion Allocation           
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 School Based Allocations
                >>>>>    1 ECSE Inclusion Allocation                          
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Henry High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    A School Based allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their K-8 community school.
School  >>>>>     Bethune
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation           
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    (-2 DCD Classrooms)                          
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Franklin Middle Schools to North High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    DCD classrooms will be moved to another school site to equiably design citywide programming aroung the school district.
School  >>>>>     Pillsbury
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation           
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 ASD Classroom)   
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation                                  
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Northeast Middle Schools to Edison High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    An ASD classroom will be moved to another school site to equitably design citywide programming around the school district.  Three classrooms is too many for a K-5 site.
School  >>>>>     Waite Park
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 EBD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation           
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    unchanged
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Northeast Middle Schools to Edison High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    Not applicable
School  >>>>>     Webster
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ECSE Classroom
                >>>>>    1 ECSE Inclusion Allocation
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    .5 Physical Impairment Classroom
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ECSE Classroom
                >>>>>    1 ECSE Inclusion Allocation   
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation  
                >>>>>     (-.5 Physical Impairment Classroom          
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Northeast Middle Schools to Edison High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    DCD classrooms will be moved to this school site to equitably design citywide
programming around the school district.  Students with physical impairments have traditionally been serve in segregated citywide programs.  The needs for these programs have decreased as we have been able to meet these student’s needs in their community school.
School  >>>>>     Heritage
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    No citywide programs
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>   not applicable
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    not applicable
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    not applicable
School  >>>>>       Franklin
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 CLASS Classroom
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    2 EBD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 CLASS Classroom
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    2 EBD Classroom
                >>>>>    (-1 EBD Classroom)
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 ASD Classroom          
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    North High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    School Based Allocations provide a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  ASD and DCD classrooms will be moved to Franklin equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  This will also involve moving an EBD classroom to another school site.  
School  >>>>>     Northeast
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ASD Classroom
                >>>>>    1 CLASS Classroom
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 CLASS Classroom
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Edison High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    An ASD and EBD classroom will be moved to Northeast equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
School  >>>>>     Olson
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 CLASS Classroom
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 CLASS Classroom
                >>>>>    2 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Henry High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    School Based Allocations provide a Special Education Teacher and Two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.
School  >>>>>     Edison
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    4 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    3 CLASS Classrooms
                >>>>>     4 DCD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 ASD Classroom)
                >>>>>    1 CLASS Classroom
                >>>>>    (-2 CLASS Classrooms)
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-2 DCD Classrooms)
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
                >>>>>    (-1 ASD Classroom)
                >>>>>    2 School Based Allocations
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     (pathways from various Northeast Minneapolis schools lead to Edison)
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    ASD, DCD, and CLASS classrooms will be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  An EBD classroom will be moved to Northeast equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility  in providing increased special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school. 
School  >>>>>     Henry
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    3 CLASS Classrooms
                >>>>>     3 EBD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 CLASS Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 CLASS Classrooms)
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
                >>>>>    (-2 DCD Classrooms)
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
                >>>>>    (-2 EBD Classrooms)
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     (pathways from various Northeast Minneapolis schools lead to Henry)
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  EBD and CLASS classrooms will be moved to another school equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  And additional ASD classroom will be added to increase ASD support.  DCD classrooms will be moved to Henry equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
School  >>>>>     North
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 EBD Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
                >>>>>    (-1 EBD Classrooms)
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    1 ASD Classroom
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     (pathways from various North Minneapolis schools lead to Henry)
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  An EBD classroom will be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  And additional ASD classroom will be added to increase ASD support.  DCD classrooms will be redesigned with a focus on functional communication skill development.  (took out DCD line)
School  >>>>>     FAIR
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    No citywide programming
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ASD Classroom
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     (pathways from various Northeast Minneapolis schools lead to Henry)
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    An ASD classroom will be moved to the school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
Comprehensive District Design Recommendations:  Special Education Citywide Programming
Region 2
>>>>>    Comprehensive District Design Recommendations---  Special Education Citywide Programming
>>>>>    Comprehensive District Design---  Special Education Citywide Programming
Region 1  >>>>>>  Improve academics and increase enrollment
School  >>>>>     Pratt
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    No citywide programming
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ASD Classroom
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Seward Montessori to South High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    An ASD classroom will be moved to the school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district
School  >>>>>     Bryn Mawr
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                 >>>>>    4 ECSE Classrooms
                 >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ECSE Classrooms  
                >>>>>    (-2 ECSE Classrooms)
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
                >>>>>    2 Functional Communication Classrooms
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Anwatin Middle School to North High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    Classrooms serving both ASD/DCD students will be moved here to create an early childhood to grade 5 pathway for families who have children receiving speciai education services.  An ECSE classroom wil be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
School  >>>>>     Anne Sullivan
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 ECSE Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 ECSE Inclusion Allocations
                >>>>>    D/HH Programming
                >>>>>    4 ASD  Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 CLASS Classroom
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 ECSE Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 ECSE Inclusion Allocations
                >>>>>    D/HH Programming
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-2 ASD Classrooms)
                >>>>>    (-1 CLASS Classroom)
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Andersen Middle School to South High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  ASD and CLASS classrooms will be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
School  >>>>>     Emerson
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    No citywide programming
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    1 ECSE Bilingual Classroom
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Andersen Middle School to South High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  An ECSE classrooms will be moved to Emerson equitably to design citywide programming around the school district and to support dual language learners.
School  >>>>>     Anishinabe
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation               
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    Unchanged
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Sanford Middle School or Northeast Middles School; and on to South High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    not applicable
School  >>>>>     Seward
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    no citywide programming
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 School Based Allocations
                >>>>>    1 ASD Middle School Classroom               
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    South High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  An ECSE classrooms will be moved to this school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
School  >>>>>     Barton
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    No citywide programming
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 School Based Allocations
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms                          
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    South High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  DCD classrooms will be moved to this school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
School  >>>>>     Hiawatha-Howe
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    4 DCD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-2 DCD Classrooms)                          
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Sanford Middle School to Roosevelt High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    DCD classrooms will be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming aroung the school district.
School  >>>>>     Pillsbury
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 ECSE Classrooms           
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    Unchanged                                  
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Andersen Middle School to South High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    Not applicable (no change)
School  >>>>>     Anwatin
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 EBD Classroom           
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (- 1 DCD Classroom)
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
                >>>>>    (-1 EBD Classroom)          
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Southwest High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    A DCD and an EBD classroom will be  moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district
School  >>>>>     Dowling
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    4 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 Physical Impairment Classroom
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-2 DCD Classrooms)  
                >>>>>     (-.1 Physical Impairment Classroom)          
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Sanmford Middle School to Roosevelt High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    DCD classrooms will be moved to this school site to equitably design citywide
programming around the school district.  Students with physical impairments have traditionally been serve in segregated citywide programs.  The needs for these programs have decreased as we have been able to meet these student’s needs in their community school.
School  >>>>>     Northrop
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>   1 EBD Classroom
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Sanford Middle School to Roosevelt High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.
School  >>>>>       Bancroft
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 ASD Classroom
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 ASD Classroom)
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation          
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Sanford Middle School to Roosevelt High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    An ASD classroom will be moved to Franklin equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school. 
School  >>>>>     Lake Nokomis/  Keewaydin-Wenonah
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    4 ASD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 ASD Classroom)
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Roosevelt High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    An ASD and classroom will be moved to another school equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  For K-5 schools a cluster of 2 classrooms offers balance.
School  >>>>>     Folwell
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    (-1 EBD Classroom)
                >>>>>    2 School Based Allocations
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    FAIR High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    School Based Allocations provide a Special Education Teacher and Two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  Due to an increase in enrollment in EBD programs (dure to the School Based Allocation Model), an EBD classroom will be closed.
School  >>>>>     Lyndale
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     Justice Page Middle School to Washburn High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school. 
School  >>>>>     Burroughs
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ASD Classroom
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 ECSE Classroom
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     Justice Page Middle School to Washburn High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    An ECSE and classroom will be moved to Burroughs equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
School  >>>>>     Hale-Field
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation  
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 ASD Classroom)
                >>>>>    2 School Based Allocations
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     Washburn High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>   An ASD classroom will be moved to another school equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  School Based Allocations provide a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  An EBD classroom will be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  For K-8 schools a cluster of 3 classrooms offers balance.
School  >>>>>     Kenny
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 ASD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 ASD Classroom)
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     Anthony Middle School to Southwest High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    An ASD classroom will be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district. An ECSE classroom will be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
School  >>>>>     Armatage
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ECSE Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ECSE Classroom
                >>>>>    (-1 ECSE Classroom)
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     Anthony Middle School to Southwest High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    DCD classroom will be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district. An ECSE classroom will be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
School  >>>>>     Windom
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    No citywide programming
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>   1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     Anthony Middle School to Southwest High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>   A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.
School  >>>>>     Whittier
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 EBD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    unchanged
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     Southwest High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    not applicable
School  >>>>>     Lake Harriet Lower-Upper
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    4 DCD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 DCD Classroom)
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    Southwest High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>    An DCD classroom will be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district. For K-5 schools a cluster of two classrooms is a fair balance, and for K-8 schools a cluster of three classrooms is a fair balance.
School  >>>>>     Kenwood
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 Functional Communications Classroom
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    (-1 Functional Communications Classroom)
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     Anwatin Middle School to Southwest High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>   A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  Due to an increase in enrollment in DCD programs in this area of the District (due to the work to increase Inclusive Practices), a Functional Classroom will be closed.
School  >>>>>     Andersen
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 EBD Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 CLASS Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    D/HH
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 EBD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 EBD Classroom)
                >>>>>    2 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    (-2 CLASS Classrooms)
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     South High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>   School Based Allocations provide a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  An EBD classroom will be moved to another school equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  Due to a decrease in enrollment in CLASS programs in this area of the District (due to the work to increase Inclusive Practices and the use of School Based Allocations), CLASS classrooms will be closed. 
School  >>>>>     Jefferson
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 ASD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 ASD Classroom)
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    Reduce the ECSE classroom to 1
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>    South High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>   An ASD classroom will be moved to another school equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  School Based Allocations provide a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  .
School  >>>>>     Anthony
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ASD Classroom
                >>>>>    1 CLASS Classroom
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ASD Classroom
                >>>>>    1 CLASS Classroom
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    1 DCD Classroom
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     Southwest High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>   A DCD classroom is being moved to Anthony equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
School  >>>>>     Sanford
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ASD Classroom
                >>>>>    3 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    unchanged
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     Roosevelt High School
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>   not applicable
School  >>>>>     Justice Page
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ASD Classroom
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    1 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 ASD Classroom)
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     Washburn High School
>>>>>     Rationale
>>>>>   An ASD classroom will be moved to another school equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.                 
School  >>>>>     Washburn
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ABD Classrooms
                >>>>>    3 EBD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ABD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 DCD Classroom
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-2 EBD Classrooms)
                >>>>>    2 School Based Allocations
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     (Various schools have pathways to Washburn High School.)
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>   School Based Allocations provide a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  EBD classrooms are being moved from Washburn equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  ASD classrooms will be redesigned with a focus on functional communication skill development.  A DCD classroom is being moved from Washburn equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
School  >>>>>     South
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    4 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    2 CLASS Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 DCD Classroom
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 ASD Classroom)
                >>>>>    1 CLASS Classroom
                >>>>>    (-1 CLASS Classroom)
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     (Various schools have pathways to South High School.)
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>   A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  An ASD classroom is being moved from South equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  EBD and DCD classrooms are being moved from Sout equitably to design citywide programming around the school district. 
School  >>>>>     Southwest
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    4 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    3 CLASS Classrooms
                >>>>>    4 DCD Classroom
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-2 ASD Classroom)
                >>>>>    1 CLASS Classroom
                >>>>>    (-2 CLASS Classroom)
                >>>>>    2 DCD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-2 DCD Classrooms)
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classrooms
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     (Various schools have pathways to Southwest High School.)
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>   A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  DCD, CLASS, and ASD classrooms will be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  An EBD classroom is being moved to Southwest equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.
School  >>>>>     Roosevelt
>>>>>     Current Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    3 CLASS Classrooms
                >>>>>    4 DCD Classrooms
>>>>>     Recommended Special Education Pathway
                >>>>>    2 CLASS Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-1 CLASS Classroom)
                >>>>>    3 DCD Classroom
                >>>>>    (-1 CLASS Classroom)
                >>>>>    2 ASD Classrooms
                >>>>>    (-2 DCD Classrooms)
                >>>>>    1 School Based Allocation
                >>>>>    1 EBD Classroom
>>>>>     Pathway to
                >>>>>     (Various schools have pathways to Roosevelt High School.)
>>>>>     Rationale
                >>>>>   A School Based Allocation provides a Special Education Teacher and two Special Education Assistants to provide a school flexibility in providing increased intensity of special education services, with the benefit of students being able to stay in their community school.  DCD, and CLASS, classrooms will be moved to another school site equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.  ASD and EBD classrooms are being moved to Southwest equitably to design citywide programming around the school district.

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