Jan 18, 2017

Challenge to Jeff Urbanek and Anyone Else Who Objects to Views Expressed in My Fact-Based Articles: Have the Courage to Debate Me in a Public Forum

A Note to My Readers


On 7 December 2016 I received a comment on one of my articles from Jeff Urbanek, to which I replied after becoming aware of the comment on 12 January 2017.


My reply is made in the spirit of welcoming vigorous public debate on the vital issues that I raise on this blog.  Given that my views are based on a meticulous accumulation of facts and extremely tight reasoning, Mr. Urbanek is not likely to accept my challenge to debate him in a public forum.  But if he does, I would be delighted to present the facts and have Mr. Urbanek reply to my presentation in a such venue.


This exchange is of value to you, my readers, in understanding the facts and the issues that prevail on this blog, and the cowardice of those who take umbrage at my views. 


Please read my original article, Mr. Urbanek’s comments, and my own reply.


I’ll keep you posted as to any mounting of personal courage emanating from Mr. Urbanek.


Please now go to the original article of 11 November 2016 (“Abysmal Academic Performance of American Indian Students--- and Thus the Ineffectiveness of the Department of Indian Education at the Minneapolis Public Schools”)

and then review the following exchange.




Comment from Jeff Urbanek to My Article of 11 November 2016 (“Abysmal Academic Performance of American Indian Students--- and Thus the Ineffectiveness of the Department of Indian Education at the Minneapolis Public Schools”)





Your comment on the people you hold culpable is appallingly ignorant. You have little to no knowledge apparently of the long hours those staff members put in, many of them after hours, weekends, and on holidays. Or how many students were met with and counseled and inspired.

Not to mention that the funding for the majority of the people you so cruelly point out comes from grants, federal and otherwise, they do not "drain the coffers of Minneapolis public schools."

Before you attack people, see what they do on a daily basis, see the people they have touched and affected. The reasons are many that can cause students to struggle -- homelessness, disabilities, lack of education at the very highest levels, and most of all, failing to take into consideration the educational and cultural needs of different populations - including native populations.

Before casting stones, please gather your facts. These are good people who make many sacrifices for their students. They should be singled out for praise, not mean-spirited ignorance.



Correction: lack of education funding



My Reply             >>>>>


The facts are what I am indeed collecting, assiduously--- and those facts tell a damning story of the academic performance of Native American students at the Minneapolis Public Schools.  If you wish to debate me in a public forum, put your courage where your words are--- I would be happy for such a debate.












  1. I have no interest in further discussing this with someone who launches personal attacks on hard-working members of the school district.

  2. You yourself lack both the moral courage and the factual underpinning necessary to defend the status quo that robs our precious children of the excellence of public education that we have the obligation to impart to all students, regardless of demographic descriptors.
