Feb 1, 2017

A Letter Pertinent to the K-12 Revolution, Sent Via Email to Martin Peyer

February 1, 2017


You should know that I am a revolutionary of the practical sort, in the mode of Gandhi, Malcolm X, Steinhem, Alinsky, and Mao.  My style is especially reminiscent of the latter, who wrote and planned into the depths of the night and went forth onto the field of action by day.

I work 16 to 18 hours a day in the cause of the K-12 Revolution and have generated an academic journal, a blog, a television show (The K-12 Revolution with Dr. Gary Marvin Davison, shown this evening as all Wednesdays at 6:00 PM on MTN cable channel 17 in the Minneapolis area), and two nearly complete books intended to extend the principles that I have perfected in the New Salem Educational Initiative to the transformation of the locally centralized school district, in the iteration of the Minneapolis Public Schools that most affects the young people and families whom I serve on a daily basis.

In the wee recent hours, after my return from my daily thrust into the toughest urban situations in Minnesota, I took time to look at the websites you referenced and found them very familiar versions of an old, tired approach to education, technologically dressed up as new, that for many decades has insidiously emanated from departments, schools, and colleges of education, those cash cows of colleges and universities headed by education professors.  Thus are our precious children deprived of a knowledge-intensive education every day the sun rises over the eastern skies.

Your invitation to the morning breakfast, which I hope was well-meaning, would only be accepted as one more venue for me to deliver my revolutionary message.  I'll evaluate the likelihood of your meeting being an appropriate venue as necessary as time goes on.

In the meantime, I am going to post this communication on my blog.  I am good about responding to most emails but must in the revolutionary spirit discipline myself to make any lengthy responses pertinent to my main mission.

I wish you well in your personal life, but do know that on a professional level you have wandered into my revolutionary's buzz saw.

I'll most likely respond to any further communications from you specifically in the manner of a publicly posted article---  and more broadly in my revolutionary activities throughout each day. 

My very best to you for personal health and happiness, and the same for all of those whom you hold dear---


Gary Marvin Davison, Ph. D.
Director, New Salem Educational Initiative

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