Jul 19, 2021

Introduction >>>>> >Journal of the K-12 Revolution: Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota Volume VIII, No. 1, July 2021



Why I am the Guy Officials at the Minneapolis Public Schools Will Never



Students of the Minneapolis Pubic Schools are academically abused by their teachers and administrators every day their feet hit the ground.  In this respect, they are typical victims of our wretched public schools in the United States, which leave a few people able to survive, whether because of extraordinary personal dedication and study, by gaining access to the few teachers capable of teaching Advanced Placement courses, or by having the financial wherewithal to hire personal tutors or attend private schools with the curricular focus and the connections to send students forth to well-regarded college and university experiences.


But few people in the United States are broadly or deeply educated across the natural sciences and the liberal arts.  Even those students who go forth to the colleges and universities of best reputation maintain major gaps in their knowledge that are not rectified in post-secondary level.  Students may dabble in other fields during their first and second years of a four-year college experience, but then the focus is trained on a major and a minor field or two of study.  They then may go on to even narrower training in graduate or professional schools.


Thus do we have a nation of citizens who know little of the United States Constitution, how the electoral system works, any sense of the history of the nation or of the world.  Their reading in nonfiction and nonfictional works tends to be slim or trivial.  Citizen grasp of the details of climate science, the functioning of liberal capitalist and democratic socialist and state capitalist economies, or international trade dynamics tends toward zero.  Most people live out their earthly sojourns devoid of knowledge of and appreciation for multiple musical genres or the visual art of the West or Asia or Africa.  They have little idea of how the food that they eat is produced, the nutritional content of their diet, or the most healthful maintenance of the bodies that must carry them forth throughout their earthly sojourn.  Very few citizens have broad knowledge of world systems of religions and, most important ethics, from which to forge their own meaing and sense of purpose.


Many people, so devoid of knowledge and ethics and purpose, give themselves to various forms and levels of violence, to destructive pharmaceuticals, and to behaviors that may end their lives before any adult consciousness has been attained and in any case well short of their possible life span.


Most abused are young people living at the urban core who must attend schools at which the knowledge and skills imparted are minimal, the atmosphere is intimidating and abusive, and the prospects for a fulfilling life are dim.  Thus do cycles of familial poverty continue.  Thus are the urban poor entrapped.   Entrapment is also witnessed in the rural poor and those for whom a vision of a soul-enriching contemporary life is not found on the reservations and territories of indigenous peoples.




I am blessed in the New Salem Educational Initiative to be able to provide to my students the education that they do not get in the Minneapolis Public Schools, nor in institutions to which some of them flee in their unfulfilled search for a decent school-based education.  But I cannot teach everybody, and thus do I press on with the K-12 Revolution.


Through my experiences with my students, the frustrations conveyed to me by them and their families, and the factual data of my exhaustive research, I know the deficiencies of education in the United Staes as does no one else on the planet.


As the following articles make clear,


I am the guy that officials of the Minneapolis Public Schools will never fool.

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