Aug 12, 2024

Introductory Comments >>>>> >Journal of the K-12 Revolution: Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota<, Volume XI, Number Two, August 2024

GMD Theology:  With Applications and Explanation of the

Role of Education Toward Creating a Perfect World


Humanity is a babe in time, arriving in only approximately 200,000 BCE (Before the Common Era), almost 14 billion years after the universe banged into existence and over 4.5 billion years after the creation of planet Earth.


Over the course of humankind’s 200,000 years or so of existence, people sought explanations for natural phenomena and for the meaning of this one earthly sojourn.  The search resulted in a rich literature of myth and in time induced the development of the world’s major religious, belief, and ethical traditions:  Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Christianity, and Islam.  These traditions advanced interesting explanations of Creation and compelling ideas as to life’s meaning and proper ethical conduct.


Not until a period extending from the very late 15th century through the 18th century CE (Common Era)  of the Enlightenment did systematic scientific experimentation and reasoning offer alternative explanations of natural phenomena and a different timeline for Creation.  The advent of the development of scientific processes challenged the world’s traditional belief systems and engendered

counterforces in opposition to scientific fact and reasoning.


Rational thought led to great advances in the interest of human equity and those political and economic systems that most further the cause of human equality.  In time, the Western world moved substantially beyond the hypocritical imperialistic tendencies that impeded the advancement of equity, and in the United States specifically a much fairer and just society developed from the mid-1950s through this very year of 2024.  This has been a time in which women and nonwhite citizens, and people of various sexual and gender identities, advanced their case for full participation and leadership in American society.  As with scientific and rational thought, these advances toward expanded citizenship rights and shared power among people of various gender and racial identities elicited a powerful counter-current among those, especially white males, who saw advancement of the previously abused as a threat to their own prerogatives.


In this edition of Journal of the K-12 Revolution:  Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota, I discuss these matters of prehistoric and historic development;  and the forces and counterforces that have created the world that we now witness.  With great respect for the world’s great belief systems, I articulate the fundamentals of a new theology that incorporates the insights and ethical codes of those systems into my own vision for a theology and system of ethical conduct compatible with science and full of promise for moving society toward that optimal social environment conducive to the best life possible for all humanity on this one earthly sojourn.


And, consistent with the ideational principles that undergird this journal and my other platforms of expression, the role of education in creating an optimal existence for humanity, as explained especially in Article #5, is integral. 

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