Aug 12, 2024

Front Matter and Contents >>>>> >Journal of the K-12 Revolution: Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota<, Volume XI, Number Two, August 2024

Volume XI, No. 2                                                

August 2024


Journal of the K-12 Revolution:

Essays and Research from Minneapolis, Minnesota        


GMD Theology:

With Applications and Explanation of the

Role of Education Toward Creating a Perfect World


A Five-Article Series      


A Publication of the New Salem Educational Initiative

Gary Marvin Davison, Editor       


GMD Theology:

With Applications and Explanation of the

Role of Education Toward  Creating a Perfect World


A Five-Article Series        


Gary Marvin Davison

New Salem Educational Initiative

Copyright © 2024




Introductory Comments                                                                                            


GMD Theology:  With Applications and Explanation of the

Role of Education Toward Creating a Perfect World


Article #1


A Succinct Summary of the Theology of Gary Marvin Davison


Article #2


Extended Thoughts from

A Succinct Summary of the Theology of Gary Marvin Davison


Article #3


Application #1 from

A Succinct Summary of the Theology of Gary Marvin Davison and

Extended Thoughts Thereon


Article #4


Application #2 from

A Succinct Summary of the Theology of Gary Marvin Davison and

Extended Thoughts Thereon


Article #5


Application #3 from

A Succinct Summary of the Theology of Gary Marvin Davison and

Extended Thoughts Thereon

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