Article #3
Two New Members of the Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education Who May Emerge as Surprisingly Independent Voices (Thus Harmonizing with the Definitely Independent Voice of New Member Sonya Emerick and Members Adriana Cerrillos and Sharon El-Amin): Abdul Abdi
Abdul Abdi
Adriana Cerrillos and Sharon El-Amin are the current members of the Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) Board of Education who may be counted upon consistently to exercise independent judgment, making decisions in the best interests of students, especially those long academically abused by the district. Sonya Emerick, elected on 8 November 2022, will be a similarly independent voice.
Newly elected members Abdul Abdi (District 1) and Fathia Feerarre (District 3) had the backing of the DFL/MFT (Democrat-Farmer-Labor party/Minneapolis Federation of Teachers) cohort but ran unopposed and may be positioned to exercise more independent judgment than current members Kim Ellison (MPS Board of Education Chair) and Ira Jourdain and newly elected members Collin Beachy (At-Large) and Lori Norvell, both of whom had the backing of the DFL/MFT against nonendorsed challengers.
Abdul Abdi in particular gives evidence of having very encouraging potential as an independent voice. The self-description that gives on his election campaign website is as follows >>>>>
I’m Abdul Abdi, the father of five Minneapolis public school students who has lived in North-East Minneapolis for over 15 years. My children attended Wait Park Community School and are now enrolled in Pillsbury Elementary, Northeast Middle School, and Edison High School. I’m running for a seat on the Minneapolis School Board in District 1. I’m running because I believe in the value of education and the principles of service.
As a father and member of community leaders, I am well aware of the challenges that our schools face, as well as the many concerns and ideas that you, as parents, educators, and community members, have. Over the last ten years, I’ve spoken at a number of community meetings, advising district leaders on how to improve education, reach out to families and students who live in the school district but attend schools elsewhere, and increase parent involvement in their children’s schools as a volunteer parent.
For the last four years, I’ve served on the District Parents’ Advisory Council. As a DPAC representative, I oversaw several parent listening sessions and presented the concerns of the parents to the MPS administration for considerations and resolutions.
Accountable, Knowledgeable, and Experienced
I am well-versed in the district’s challenges and have a track record of forming diverse coalitions to improve processes and communication between families and the district administration. I’ve actively read school board meeting notes and attended many school board meetings over the years, giving me an incisive perspective and keen insight into the process and governance of a large and complex institution.
I am a software architect by trade, and I have extensive problem-solving skills and experience, having led teams of software developers to solve real-world technological and business problems. My ability to navigate opposing viewpoints and find common ground has always been aided by my calm demeanor.
A school board’s long-term vision, in my opinion, should be to provide leadership and lay out plans to enable children with diverse abilities, needs, and backgrounds to reach their full potential. My decisions will be made with the best interests of the students’ future in mind. I’m asking for your vote and support so that I can serve and represent this district, which is very important to all of us.
My Priorities
Below are some of my priorities >>>>>
1. Prepare Students for the future
I believe all students should graduate from high school prepared for college, careers, and life. and I will prioritize student opportunities, academic support, and positive school environments. When students are excited to learn, feel welcome, and have support, they will be eager to pursue their dreams and experience academic success.
2. Promote Family Involvement
I believe when we honor family involvement in our schools, we support student success. I value communication feedback systems to the Board and Superintendent, such as the District Parent Advisory Committee (DPAC), and will prioritize empowering parents.
3. Supporting Teachers & Staff
I believe teachers and school staff give their students a sense of purpose and prepare them to be successful global citizens – they are essential. Attaract and the retention of great treachers must take precedence. Diversity in our staff contributes toward a positive school environment for students. I will support policies that promote staff diversity in our schools.
4. Build Strong Relationships Between Community and Schools
I believe students are the center of our schools, and it is important that we move forward as a united front in supporting their success. When we foster positive relationships among students, families, and staff, everyone benefits. I want everyone to be proud of the public schools in our community, and I will work hard to represent your voices in developing solutions and celebrating our successes.
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