Nov 7, 2018

Sharon El-Amin’s Strong Showing in the 6 November 2018 MPS Board of Education Election is of Enormous Significance for Favorable Change at the Minneapolis Public Schools (Article #1 in a Series)

Sharon El-Amin campaigned hardest of any of the four candidates in Tuesday’s (6 November 2018) election for two At-Large seats on the Minneapolis Public Schools Board of Education.  She and her family, along with able campaign director Undrea Patterson, the Isaiah group, other volunteers and myself, campaigned all over the city and generated great enthusiasm for an independent candidacy that had multiple endorsements of like-view agents of change.


The results of the election were as follows:


Candidate Name      Number of Votes    Percentage

Kim Caprini                        86,739                      33.84%

Josh Pauly                           73,994                     28.87%

Rebecca Gagnon               48,567                      18.95%

Sharon El-Amin                 47,000                      18.34%


To have garnered 47,000 votes and the support of nearly one-fifth of the electorate was an enormous accomplishment for Sharon El-Amin and her hardworking group of ardent supporters.


To understand the power of El-Amin’s campaign, one must understand the political dynamics at work in this election for the two At-Large MPS Board of Education seats:


Caprini and Pauly were endorsed by the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers (MFT), which in turn is allied with Education Minnesota, the second most powerful political lobby in Minnesota, capable of spending levels only topped by the National Rifle Association (NRA).  Caprini is a well-known parent and community activist in North Minneapolis, but Pauly is a largely unknown presence, a teacher of short tenure at Sanford Middle School who is now a professional in a South Minneapolis-based non-profit.   Pauly gives indication of caring about issues pertinent to the homeless and the dispossessed, but he has none of the community involvements of Caprini and El-Amin, none of the heart and soul understanding of key community issues in the manner of El-Amin, and none of the political savvy of Gagnon.  Pauly had a slim campaign of his own initiative:  His victory was entirely the result of MFT support, with its member network, phone banks, and enormous publicity-generating capacity.


The matter of Gagnon’s political savvy is ironic, given that she committed a number of fatal political errors in the last few months.  In the wake of the 2016 elections, Gagnon’s star was on the rise.  She had gained a good deal of cache for her long chairing of the MPS Board of Education Finance Committee.  She was well-connected to many school board groups across the state and nation and formally served as member in many of these.  She was conniving but diligent, undergirding her political maneuvers with a thorough knowledge of the public school establishment and the issues considered important by that establishment.  She was elected chair of the board, albeit soon offending enough fellow members to lose a subsequent election to current chair Nelson Inz.


Then when MPS financial woes became fully apparent, she was implicated in those miseries via the financial tanking of the district on her watch as finance committee chair.  Next she showed her disrespect for current MPS Finance Chief Ibrahima Diop by taking the lead in restoring $6.4 million dollars to funding for high schools with the most affluent populations, after Diop---  one of the very best-trained, consummately well-educated school district finance chiefs in the nation---  had worked with Superintendent Ed Graff and the other chiefs over many months to craft a budget that put the district on a course toward structural balance.       


Gagnon sought Democratic -Farmer-Labor Party endorsement for a legislative seat and was set to exit the board;  but when she did not secure the endorsement, she retreated to another run for an At-Large seat.  But by this time, Caprini and Pauly had secured the endorsement of the MFT/DFL cohort for which Gagnon had long served as sycophantic go-fer.


The MFT/DFL political machine went into its powerful motion once perennial candidate Doug Mann was eliminated in the August 2018 primary and the above four candidates had progressed to the general election.


Thus, we have the context for Sharon El-Amin’s strong performance.  Those of us who campaigned for her did so to win.  Ms. El-Amin is current head of the North Polar (North High School) parent group, is a community activist who twice a month prepares 100 meals for those in need, for many years ran the successful El-Amin Fish Shop on West Broadway Avenue, and has been involved in multiple community organizations and issues.  Husband Makram El-Amin is the imam of Masjid An’nur mosque on Lyndale Avenue North;  wife and husband have deep connections to the Muslim community in general and the Somali contingent specifically.  El-Amin’s natural base of support is expansive and deep;  the last of four school board candidate forums in this 2018 election season brought forward a crowd at the University of Minnesota community engagement center at 2100 Plymouth Avenue North (across from the Minneapolis Urban League) that was overwhelmingly and vocally expressive in support of her candidacy.    


Sharon El-Amin went up against a canny and seasoned political rival in Rebecca Gagnon and two endorsees of the powerful MFT/DFL machine.  She and Gagnon together received 21,573 more votes than did Josh Pauly.  El-Amin ran just a fraction behind Gagnon;  the two ran essentially even, garnering 18.34% and 18.95% of the vote respectively.


That Sharon El-Amin ran such a strong campaign is testimony to a level of genuine public backing unmatched by Pauly, certainly, but also unrivaled by Caprini and Gagnon.


For reasons that I will explore in subsequent articles, Sharon El-Amin emerges from the MPS Board of Education electoral campaign of 2018 as a major force for education change, a likely victor over KerryJo Felder in the 2020 campaign for the MPS Board of Education District 2 (North Minneapolis) seat should she decide to run, and a key figure who will be among those ringing the political death-knell for the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers as I and others draw upon the kind of energy expended in that 2100 Plymouth Avenue Forum to build a powerful counter-force to the MFT/ DFL machine.

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