Dec 17, 2021

Interlude >>>>> Article #1 of a Two-Article Series >>>>> Organizing for Impartation of Cross-Cultural Societal Values, with the Public Schools as Major Conduit

 Synchrony of imagination and reality is possible.


To imagine the possible is to assert that the imagined is attainable.


Some people imagine their ideal future life and devise a plan to realize the life envisioned.


That is what we must do as a society  >>>>>  decide what we want and devise a plan for achieving our goals.


We as a society must decide what we want




devise a plan for achieving our goals.




I have always admired thinkers who accumulate massive detail in the service of a unifying principle  >>>>>


Einstein  >>>>>  Energy is the product of an object's mass times the square of velocity.


B.F. Skinner  >>>>>   Behavior is produced when genetic inheritance encounters experience.


In this spirit, I assert that the quality of the human future will be determined by deciding what we want and devising a plan.


But this will not be easy.  




An initial vanguard of activists will have to realize the necessity of deciding the goals and devising the plan.  


The vanguard must then issue an initial statement of goals and the essence of the plan for realization. 


Others should be invited to comment on the goals and the plan.  


Multiple groups considering evolving goals and plan should form, first locally, then across a given state, then across a given region, then under the aegis of a national organization.  


A consensus should be formed in national meetings of representatives to the national organization.


Local affiliates must advocate for the goals and plan in churches, synagogues, mosques, and temples----  inviting comment from religious leaders.  


This advocacy should be publicized so as to invite comment among scholars and among interested members of the public.


The national organization should issue a statement of the maturing goals and plan.


This statement should be embraced and promulgated in religious institutions, on university campuses, and in civic groups.


The national organization should establish a committee for advancing the maturing consensus as a guide to curriculum and teacher training in preK-12 public school districts.  


Subcommittees should be organized for advocacy at the level of the locally centralized school district.


With religious, post-secondary, civic, and preK-12 institutions united as to societal goals and plan, consensus will widen and pursuit of societal goals will gain ever greater force and speed.


A peaceful and compassionate society of fulfilled individuals will result  >>>>>


Joy to the world.


Peace on earth.


This can happen.


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